21 Would You Rather Eat Questions That Will Make You Vomit

The worst questions are never easy to answer especially when they're related to your taste buds. Here are 21 Would You Rather questions based on food, drinking and eating. I'm all of sudden feeling seriously nauseous...
1). Would you rather eat a entire sandwich made of poo or eat a sandwich filled with poo
2). Would you rather swallow a cup of toilet water or suck on a used week old sock for 5 minutes
3). Would you rather eat a pineapple covered in saw dust or eat saw dust off the floor
4). Would you rather swallow a tablespoon of the hottest hot sauce or eat an entire raw chilli
5). Would you rather swallow a shot of bird poo or mix a shot of bird poo into your cereal and eat the entire thing
6). Would you rather suck whipped cream off a hairy toe for one minute or lick cream off the base of a foot that has athletes foot
7). Lick strawberry jam off the lid of a bin or lick peanut butter off the lid of a bin
8). Chew on a piece of tyre or chew for 5 minutes or on an uncooked piece of fat for one hour
9). Suck a used cotton bud or eat the dirt from under someone else's finger nails
10). Eat an entire pizza covered in blue cheese and anchovies or eat an entire block of blue cheese swimming in tomato sauce
11). Would you rather eat raw meat with anything or only eat meat and nothing else for the rest of your life
12). Would you rather drink like a dog from a bowl for the rest of your life or never use any knives, forks or plates again
13). Would you rather never eat pizza again or never eat a burger again
14). Would you rather never add salt to anything again or never add sugar to anything again
15). Would you rather only drink whiskey for the rest of your life or vodka - no water allowed
16). Would you rather chew someone else's toenail or swallow 3 small lumps of rabbit poo
17). Would you rather eat a rotten mouldy piece of fruit or eat candy floss made from a spiders web
18). Would you rather drink your own urine or lick someones armpit
19). Would you rather eat a bowl of pus or chew a ball of snot
20). Would you rather eat a tin of spam once a day for the rest of your life or a hard boiled egg with everything you ever eat again
21). The worst would you rather question of all time is ...Would you rather never have chocolate again or never drink tea again?!!! NOOO!!!
Probably a good idea to not actually try some of these out at home!