You Need To Hear What Leonardo DiCaprio's Ex Assistant Has To Say About Him

Ever thought about working as Leonardo DiCaprio's assistant? Us too...It might in fact be our dream job, just casually working for Leo, shining his Oscar. Well now we can at least get a glimpse, as one of his former assistants has come out and chatted about what it was like working for the actor.
Kasi Brown worked as Leo's personal assistant while he was filming The Aviator, the first of his Oscar nominated performances. Brown spoke to the Huffington Post about her time with him saying "Leo and I always had fun on set...Sometimes, I would pretend that he was the stereotype of an entitled celebrity and when he would ask me to do something, I would bow and in a beaten-down voice say, ‘Yes, sir, anything you like sir, anything else, sir?’ and he would laugh and tell me to knock it off."
Brown used to carry an umbrella to block Leo from the paparazzi on set. He didn't want them snapping "photos of him making weird faces while he rehearsed."
So really what we can take from this is that Leo is an absolute dream. Brown finished off by commenting on how wonderful Leo is and how they still keep in touch. "He’s extremely down to earth and he likes to share stories and life experiences with people."
Excuse us while we apply for the job!
Credit: BBC.