You Need To Know What Leonardo DiCaprio Said About Kate Winslet In 2004 Because Swoon

It's been two days since the Oscars and we're STILL talking about Leo and Kate. Yes, she's married and he's a modeliser. But we all know that they're meant to be together, so would they just hurry up and get to being a gorgeous couple!
Well let's flashback to 2004 and an interview Leo did with Oprah. An audience member asked Leo who his favourite on-screen kiss was with and his response was so charming, "I'm just gonna go with Kate Winslet, good old classic."
Oprah then showed a clip of Kate talking about working with Leo on Titanic, "I was like probably how all the women in this audience are, about Leonardo DiCaprio. Initially, I thought, 'Ugh, how am I gonna work with this beautiful man who's such a brilliant actor?' And I met him and he's honestly so lovely and down-to-earth and normal and so good at what he does."
Ready to swoon? Leo's response to the clip was to say "That's my girl." I actually can't even.
He went on to say, "I feel the same way about her. If it wasn't for her making that film, we would have been shrapnel at this point. It was just the toughest film we ever had to make and we were partners together."
Credit: Oprah.