9 Amazing Bits From Penneys That Are Under €14

There are some brilliant new Penneys accessories in at the moment, and our bank accounts are suffering as a result. The holy mecca of clothing stores has done us a solid with its Spring/Summer collection.
I think we all know that when Penneys are good, they're great. At the moment, they're really at the best we've seen them this year. With everything from water bottles, back tan mitts to workout shoes, let's take a gander at some of the cool new stock from our favourite shop.
1. This Kylie Jenner-like lip kit – €4
2. This streak-free tan mitt only €2
3. Check out this back tan mitt – €7.50
4. These metallic fake nails – €1.50
5. These mini beauty blenders – €2
6. This super cute iPhone case – €1.50
7. These glitter pods that are perfect for music festivals – €4
8. This BPA-free water bottle – €3
9. Finally these neon workout shoes – €13
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