
12 Completely Rational Irrational Fears We All Have

Everyone has rational fears; getting eaten by a shark, being in a plane crash, dying. All normal, all rational and all reasonable. So just to freak you all out, I've decided to put together a list of completely rational - irrational fears that would give Aunt Josephine a run for her money....

1) Stringy Teeth

When your little brother or sisters' baby teeth are falling out but it's still attached by that one bit of string and they're wiggling it around. Get away from me you filthy animal!

2) Plane Toilets

They're loud, scary and cramped. I heard that if you sit on the toilet while flushing there's a 50/50 chance your insides will be sucked out. Bye, bye, intestines.

3) Walking On The Bus

Let's admit it, we all HATE walking onto the bus because the driver has no consideration for you when you're walking to your seat and he floors it. Flying across the bus I go then, thanks so much Mr. Driver.

4) Trips To The Hospital

It's stupid, but I'm honestly scared if someday I get a really bad stomach ache and I have to go to the hospital and then as soon as I get to see the doctor the pain is magically gone. Whoops, sorry to waste your time doc!

5) The Dark, Everything About The Dark

It started when we were little kids and our Dad's used to check under the bed for monsters on our behalf. And now as 'Mature Adults' we still switch off the lights and make a swan dive into the bed so no monsters can grab us. So mature...

6) Pee Sounds

Public toilets are gross and disgusting. But the worst thing about them is the fact that we CAN hear you pee. STOP LISTENING!

7) Man Holes (Not That Kind You Sicko)

I'm talking about the man holes that are on the path, the Marilyn Monroe kind. The holes and grates that lead to a bottomless pit. You'll be lost forever if you fall down one of those...

8) Slightly Open Wardrobes

Either we've seen too many horror films or we have wild imaginations, but whenever I see a closet door that is even slightly open, my mind makes me see a creepy hand reaching out of it. Hell to the no!

9) Penis Problems

Completely irrational as I don't have a dick, but if I did. I'm sure I would be terrified of catching it in my fly. *Flinches*

10) The Truman Show

I know my family are real and I would know if my whole life was fake and being filmed for the enjoyment of the rest of the world. Right?

11) In The Sea

Yes, there's the normal fear of being eaten by a shark, but I have a true fear of stepping on seaweed. It's slimy, squishy and shouldn't be anywhere near me. *GAGS*

12) Elevators

I have never heard of any death occurring because of an elevator, but that doesn't lessen the worry of me being crushed by the doors or the cables snapping.

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Laura is an open minded, positive thinker (who enjoys a good rant) with a love for all movies and Marvel. She is full of thoughts but is strictly only to be approached whenever a random conversation is desired. She is also deeply in love with Kristen Stewart.