
14 Disgusting Food Facts You Wish You Didn't Know

Most of us don't think too much about what we're putting in our mouths. Well, at least when it comes to food, that is. We assume that there are regulating bodies who are making sure that this food shit is legit and of course there are, but they let a lot of stuff slide that you may not be aware of. The disgusting food facts that you're about to read cannot be unread....

1) If consuming a product approved by the FDA, your morning glass of orange juice can legally contain up to five fruit flies.

2) Herbicides are extremely prevalent in non-organic produce we are consuming, and they have been linked to increases in learning disabilities, obesity, birth defects, and infertility.

3) Meat is sprayed with carbon monoxide to make it appear fresher. Delish.

4) The overuse of antibiotics in industrial agriculture has left 1 in 4 meat samples containing drug resistant superbugs, including strains of flesh-eating bacteria.

5) The chicken nugget is made from solidified "meat slurry".

6) L-cysteine is a chemical which conditions the texture of dough for bread and other delicious baked goods. It's also made from dissolved human hair. Apparently the Chinese food regulaters aren't so hung up on the whole "hair in food is vile" thing.

7) The paint chemical titanium dioxide is added to processed foods, like icing and salad dressing, to make them appear whiter.

8) A lot of meat in the supermarket comes from sick animals. So I guess you convince yourself they died from natural causes at least.

9) Confectioners' glazes produce a smooth, shiny coating on certain types of chocolates and sweets. These ingredients are derived from the faeces of the female lac insect. This may explain why Quality Street tastes like shit.

10) A commonly used food additive called castoreum, which is contained in vanilla flavouring, is made from a beaver's anal glands... I shit you not (Sorry).

11) Fan of Strawberry Frappuccinos? Fun fact, the dye in it comes from cochineal (among other aliases it goes under), which is made from ground up beetle abdomens.

12) In an attempt to clean bacteria, many types of food (including mince meat, cheese and cookies) contain ammonia.

13) The FDA have actually set a limit on how much rodent hair makes its way into produced food... and that limit is not zero. For every 100 grams of a product, the FDA allows 22 grams to be what they charmingly describe as "rodent filth".

14) It's been estimated that the average fast food consumer eats 12 pubic hairs a year. Mmm, pubes.

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Seán has been told by some that he resembles a young Hugh Laurie, but more people have tried to hire him as a Noddy impersonator. Something of a film fan, a pub quiz is one of the few situations in which he is even remotely useful. Seán enjoys the occasional beverage of the alcohol variety, Salt & Vinegar crisps, and referring to himself in the third person.