American Diary: An Outsider Experiencing The Hype Of The Upcoming Referendum

How the referendum has influenced my experience here in Ireland - An American students' perspective.
You could say I happen to visit Ireland at a very unique time. With the voting coming up this Friday to potentially repeal the Eighth amendment I have been exposed to the tail end of the campaigns.
Driving in from the airport the rest of my group and I couldn’t help but notice the many poster advertisements lining the streets. Swaying citizens to either “vote yes” or “vote no”.
With no other information, we assumed the main focus was abortion. Later walking down the streets, hearing individuals as they stand up and tell their story was something unexpected on the first day. We quickly came to learn the true facts for the vote and the emotional backstory that sparked the big debate.
It has been fascinating to see Ireland in full campaign mode. It has been a major topic of conversation since I have arrived. What an experience it has been. The number of individuals out on the streets trying to grab citizens' attention, handing out flyers, buttons and sharing their passion for the future of their country. I’m excited to take them back to the States to help tell the story of my time here.
It’s amazing to see natives from all over choosing to fly #hometovote from various places around the world to ensure they have a say. The last presidential vote in the States cast various negative feelings throughout the election, to say the least. It’s different being an outsider looking in. Although I have no voting right I still find myself invested. I come from a State with some strict abortion laws as well and am all too aware of the issues this can cause people. This upcoming vote has queued for a very informational, and culturally intense 3 weeks here in Dublin.
I will not be in town for the vote but am eager to hear the result and see the shift in Ireland once it is announced. It has been a riveting experience just in the weeks I have been visiting. I can’t imagine the anticipation for Irish citizens who have been counting down the days to head to the polls.