21 Things That College Students Can't Live Without

There are a few essentials that every student can't live without during their time in college. They make things a lot easier and honestly, you probably wouldn't be able to survive without them. Those 3 or 4 years would be a lot worse if we didn't have does things that help us get through the day. Here are the things that college students can't live without.
21) Laptop
It is the life blood of any college students' existence, everything is done through your laptop. It's where those assignments that you have been putting off are, where you watch House of Cards instead of studying and where you browse Facebook instead of paying attention in a lecture. A laptop is truly essential for a college student and no degree is complete without it.
20) Mobile Phone
It's your laptop's partner in crime and it wakes you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night. It keeps you amused during lectures and when you have nothing better to be doing. It's always at hand to rescue you from your apparent boredom.
19) Coffee
What else could possibly keep you awake at 4 am when you have an assignment due. Caffeine is every college student's drug of choice and your addiction gets progressively worse the longer you stay there. By the end of college you feel like you can't function without coffee.
18) Facebook
More time has been spent in college on Facebook than actually doing your assignment's. Anytime you're stuck on something you can't help but pop over to Facebook and see what's going on. Only to find that you spent half an hour watching videos and you have forgotten what you were working on.
17) Student Card
You need it for the library and countless other situations that you have to prove you're a student. Of course, those student discounts are always there to fall back on when you are strapped for cash.
16) Hoodies
So you decide to buy a class hoodie and find yourself wearing it at almost every opportunity you can. It's your chance to show everyone what you're studying and of course, who can forget the cheesy punch line on the back that only you and your class will get.
15) USB
Every little assignment you have done over the years is on the trusty little stick. You got it free when you came to college and it's the only free shit you actually used . You literally have all your work on it, so you were devastated when you lost it and forgot to back it up.
14) Pot Noodle
No college diet is complete with a pot noodle for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has kept you from starvation numerous times down through the years. If there is no food or you're just too lazy to do anything, it's always at hand.
13) Spark Notes
They're every English student's best friend, who needs to read the book when you have got spark notes which summarizes everything. You still haven't fully read a book all the way through because of spark notes.
12) Lecture Slides
If you missed a few lectures you're always delighted when you can just get the lecture notes for the class online. When exam time comes around you print out all the lecture slides in an attempt to try and absorb everything.
11) Pintrest/Tumblr
They are the real reason that you went to the library and got absolutely nothing done. They cater to your need to see exactly what you want when you want. It's gotten to the stage where you get more satisfaction pinning your favorite things than getting any work done.
10) Netflix
What else would you be doing in the library, watching numerous different tv series of course. Then when you get home, you go to your room and watch even more Netflix. It has gotten to the point where you stay up late to finish off a season of a new show you're into.
9) A hot shower
After a night out on the town or if you're pulling an all nighter there isn't really any better remedy than taking a shower. You always end up sleeping in and coming into college with a wet head looking like a poodle.
8) Microwave food
You tried to cook healthy, but you always seem to come back to what's easy, which is obviously microwaveable food. It's quick and easy and in reality you really don't trust your own cooking.
7) Take away menu's
You have amassed a large stash of take away menu's during your stay in college. Whether it's Chinese, Indian , Italian or just your local chipper, there is never a shortage of places to order from.
6) Pyjamas
Running down to the shop is a lot less dignified when you're in your pyjamas especially when you bump into someone in your class and go completely red in the face. Next time you will be sure put on some half decent clothes before you leave.
5) Bottle opener
You will be consuming a lot of alcohol in college, so it's always good to have a trusty bottle opener at hand. If you're the type who loves having having a party, you should definitely have a wall mounted bottle opener in the house.
4) Cheap Beer
Wine and champagne, ain't nobody got time for that when you're in college, it's all about buying packs of beer, the more in it the better. It's never anything fancy and you will have plenty of mixers on hand when someone gets a cheeky naggin.
3) Phone charger
What would you do without it, for once you would actually have to do some work and the thought of that just makes you shiver. You will never miss a chance to charge your phone and the real reason you really go to the library is to charge it up.
2) Wifi
You actually feel like you can't get anything done when there is no internet. You start to panic a little bit when your laptop can't connect to the wifi. You have no safety net anymore and for once you actually have to think about what you're writing and not just reproduce everything you find on the internet.
1) Wikipedia
Whether you just use it to give a background on something or you're a copy and paste master, no college student could live without Wikipedia. Nearly all of your assignments are just carbon copies and then you wonder why it says 95% when you put it in an online plagiarism checker.