22 Reasons You'll Fall In Love With New York City

With J1's just around the corner, you've probably already decided on where you're headed and what you'll be doing. If you chose NYC then you're in luck: it is honestly one of the best cities around, hands down. If you didn't choose New York, don't worry: you can still make a trip there to experience all of these amazing things that will have you falling in love with the Big Apple.
1. Central Park
It is almost impossible to cover all of Central Park in one day, and if you do, I congratulate you. There's something really amazing about heading out and trying to really explore one part of the park every week; you never know what you might find!
2. The Language
Obviously, since you'll be in America, you're going to hear a lot of English, but New York City is one of the most linguistically diverse locations in the world. You'll come across all different languages and communities, even within a few blocks of each other.
3. It's The City That Never Sleeps
Literally a city that is wide awake, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At any given moment, there's going to be restaurants, food stands, and other attractions open and ready for the people who are still out and about.
4. Late Night Bars
In New York City, all the bars are open 'til late.Pretty much any bar that is a real bar is open until 4am, meaning you can party well into the night. Er, morning, actually.
5. Inspiration
Whether for song writers, authors, or performance artists, New York City has been the hub of inspiration for many, many years. Lots of artists come to the city to find their creative inspo, something you might find, too.
6. The Skyline
Nothing beats the view of the New York City skyline, something you've got to get in at some point. Whether on your flight over or by heading up to the top of the Empire State Building (on a clear, not foggy day), you've got to take in this amazing view.
7. Broadway
Musicals and theatres galore, Broadway is much, much more than just a street. You can get tickets to some of the most famous shows (hello, Phantom of the Opera) for around $20, and you can see some of the coolest up-and-coming shows that will make it big pretty soon.
8. The Statue Of Liberty
Probably the biggest tourist attraction in the area, but this one is a must-see. It's amazing that, when immigrants were coming to America in the early 20th century, this was their first sight off the boat. Who knows, you might have ancestors who experienced it!
9. Live Music
Basically anyone who's going to be anyone plays in New York City first, so you'll have the perfect opportunity to catch up and coming bands before they completely smash onto the scene and concert tickets go up 300%.
10. Diversity In Music
While you can see an alternative or pop rock band, you can also see an array of other music types, most notably jazz musicians. There's always a show going on every single night of the year in various clubs, meaning you've got to check out at least one while you're there.
11. Celebrities
Celebs in New York is like your family in your hometown: everyone knows them and they kind of ignore them on the street, since they see them all the time. Don't get too star struck, but there's a good chance you'll spot a few while you're there.
12. Culture Festivals
Since you're going at a prime time (aka summer), you're going to be absolutely surrounded by tonnes and tonnes of culture and arts festivals. And guess what? They're free! Immerse yourself in the diversity that is New York City with these amazing opportunities.
13. Shopping Is Unreal
It's very possible to visit both one-of-a-kind shops, high end designer's boutiques, and huge department stores all in a day. For the fashionista inside you, you'll be swimming in joy (and clothes).
14. The Subway
Okay, hear me out on this one. While a lot of underground rails are a bit, well, sketchy (and honestly, New York's no different), the big difference here is that it runs 24/7, meaning you'll never get stuck taking an expensive cab home after a night out because you missed the last ride.
15. Museums
There's so much art and history in New York City that it could take a permanent resident an entire lifetime to see it all. Get cracking on those museums, you've got a lot to cover! (Hint: hit up MoMA first).
16. Times Square
Even though it's a bit of a tourist trap (watch your bags!), Times Square is definitely a highlight of your time in New York. With the billboards lit up all hours of the day and night, it's almost like time stops here in some weird, advertisement and shopping world. It's actually a bit magical.
17. The Ice Cream District
Yes, you read that correctly. There's an actual ice cream district in New York City. It's located from the edge of Chinatown to the East Village. YUM.
18. Walking
Okay, you might hate walking, but New York is made for it. You can walk pretty much anywhere without getting lost. The city is set up like a grid (thanks, architects!) so if you follow the grid, you'll be golden.
19. The Naked Cowboy
Alright, so I'm not sure if this has been the same guy over the years, but one of the buskers in Times Square is The Naked Cowboy, and he's pretty damn great. Spoiler, though: he's not completely naked.
20. Cheap Pizza
If you're like me, you enjoy a good pizza. But if you're really like me, you enjoy a good but cheap pizza. Thankfully, since they're around almost every other corner in New York, a lot of pizza places offer slices by the dollar. YES.
21. You're Never Actually Alone
Okay, this might sound a bit creepy, but hear me out. It can be 3am and you're on your way back to your apartment, but chances are, someone else is walking back along the same street at the same time as you. The city literally never sleeps.
22. It's New York City
It's literally one of the most iconic cities in the world, and just the idea of going there should have you in love with the city already.
Video: New York: Expectations vs. Reality
Credit: BuzzFeedYellow