
Call Of Duty And Pissing In The Shower: 27 Absolute Truths About Living With All Boys

The dreaded all boys house - eternally messy, smells like a pigsty and a haven of laddish behaviour - or at least that's what the stereotypes say. In reality though, things aren't actually so bad. Here are some genuine truths about what it's like to live with all boys - including that there is absolutely no shame in six men snuggling together on a Saturday night with some ice cream and The Notebook...

1) You never buy each other proper birthday presents - at best you’ll get a pint
2) Everyone wees in the shower - but no one admits to it
3) You see everyone else’s balls with worrying frequency
4) There will be times when you’ll all sit down and watch a chick flick together without a hint of shame
5) One of you will have a hot sister and the jokes will be never ending
6) But when they actually come to stay everyone is good as gold
7) You can go days with no toilet paper without anyone buying any
8) The house isn’t actually as messy as everyone (your parents) assume it will be
9) Getting a girl out the door in the morning before a housemate meets her is an absolute must
10) FIFA/Call of Duty tournaments are the most heated the house will ever become
11) One of you can use the toilet while another showers and it’s totally cool
12) You gossip just as much as girls do
13) The fridge is frequently full of meat
14) And the freezer ALWAYS has pizza in
15) You have some awesome house nights out which no one ever remembers
16) You have so many in-jokes that outsiders have no clue what you’re talking about most of the time
17) You listen to Taylor Swift a lot more than you would’ve thought
18) No one washes their clothes until they are literally out of pants
19) You are constantly messing with and pulling pranks on each other
20) Getting a girlfriend is a legitimate reason for being ‘bullied’
21) But not as much as being on a dry spell
22) The oven/microwave are always full when you need them
23) Cleaning is always done with the absolute minimum effort required
24) You always plan to go and play football together and it almost never happens
25) You have one housemate who you will never ever see cook a proper meal
26) Your housemate’s girlfriend will ‘move in’ at some point and you won’t know if it’s still acceptable to walk around in just pants
27) You often share beds despite each having one of your own

Via StudentBeans

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