5 People You Will Meet At Electric Picnic

Every year, people of all shapes, sizes and sexual preferences make the journey to the weird and wonderful world of Electric Picnic. No doubt there are many characters who take this opportunity to unleash their inner peacock and strut their stuff in an outfit they wouldn't wear any other day of the year.
But for every feathered freak, there are hundreds of festival regulars who make the journey each Summer, aiming to have the best weekend of this or any other year.
You know who they are, they are all around us, some of us might even be them - they are the people without whom EP would be a lot less interesting. So see if you identify with any of the following six people you are likely to meet at Stradbally this year.
1) THE MUSIC FANS - These are the guys and girls who you can always depend on for the running order and stagetimes. They've spent hours, or days even, planning who and what obscure acts they will be going to see and fitting in as many is as humanly possible. In an age when EP is much more than a music festival, these are the attendees to still come for the tunes.
2) CAMPSITE QUEENS - In the sometimes chaotic world of camping, some semblance of order is needed. Whether it's the simpler things such as a keeping a ready supply of baby wipes or plastic cups, or politely telling some nearby gobshite that blasting out tunes on a boombox at wrong o'clock in the morning is not on, someone nearby where you pitch your tent will assume this role.
3) THE MINDFIELD MISTRESS - For every couple of Music Fans there is a Mindfield Mistress. She (or he) will go to see some music over the weekend, but this is not the priority. Taking in the spoken word, zen gardens, comedy, therapists, massages, art installations, cinema and all the other weird and wonderful things going on in the periphery at EP is what makes her weekend.
4) THE PARTY POSSE - For want of a better name, these are the people who go all night. With seemingly endless stamina and banks of energy ultra-marathon runners would be envious of, these roaming crews often soak up new members like snowballs rolling down a mountain, culminating in a huge Sunday night end-of-days dance-off in the Body & Soul area. The life and soul of the party.
5) THE V.I.P. SPOTTER - Rumours start, often overheard in the queue for the jacks or the bar, about certain A-list stars who have been spotted backstage or in the V.I.P. area. At a festival, which already boasts huge array of talented stars, this level of rumour merely adds to the already high level of lustre EP has. Whether true or not, the idea that you could find yourself standing in front of Michael Fassbender while queueing for your falafel is too much for some.
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