5 Reasons Carrie Bradshaw will ALWAYS be our lady crush.

The SATC sound track is like music to my ears, like many women. Nothing pleases me more than seeing Carrie flounce around traffic in a tulle skirt.
So here is my list of the top 5 Reasons Carrie Bradshaw will ALWAYS be our lady crush.
1) She is unarguably, the Queen of Heels.
She educated a generation of women to the simple principal of ' A Woman's Right to Shoes,' and played a hand in fostering what is now a deep love for Manolo's.
2) She's upfront about things.
She tells it like it is, and you have just gotta admire a woman who has the balls to do that.
Carrie we salute you!
3) She's not perfect.
She shares all the same neurosis about men that we do, even if we haven't quite stalked our other halves at mass with their Mammy's yet. You never know, give us time.
4) She's a classy lady.
If you could order alcohol with your Macker's you would. Lets be honest.
5) She's our relationship Spirit Guide.
Yes, over the course of 6 seasons there were lots of men, and one or two re-run's thrown in for good measure (Adian times two.. and Big times.... we'll we lost track..)
However Carrie never settled, she never sold out, and she kept searching for her dream man until she finally found him.