7 Bad Calls Girls Make At Pre-Drinks

Pre-drinks is a time for seeing friends and drinking as much as humanely possible in under two hours. When girls get together and drink many bad things can happen but the worst of them take place before you leave the house. And, when you throw a drink, or 8, into the mix, God knows what you will end up doing. Just take note of the following 7 Bad Calls Girls Make At Pre-Drinks.
1) Colored Lipstick
I am the biggest fan of colored lipstick but it does bring out the bad ass within. Once applied you wink and pout in the mirror, you are a confident lioness and able to take on anything and anyone. With this new spirited attitude the only pose that you will know from the second you are drunk until tomorrow morning is 'the pout'. You now feel territorial as any guy you have laid your lips on is yours for the night. Your lipstick is all over his face and shirt collar and no other girl will approach him.
WARNING: You are most likely to go home looking like the joker.
2) Glitter
It may be a normal night out or a themed night, either way that glitter is not going to end well. One thing you need to know is that glitter is like sand: you will never get rid of it. It will be there for weeks, months even. You will regret this decision. Though on the night the glitter fumes will make you feel alive, slick and basically the dogs you know what. You will feel alternative, sparkling and girly. You take advice from Rihanna and you will "shine bright like a diamond" and no one can tell you different.
WARNING: Once drunk, this glitter will have moved its way from one area of the face to the other. Glue will seep into your eyes and your hair will look like a disco ball.
3) Finding out where the ex is
If you, or your friend, have just broken up with someone put the phone down. There is no reason that you should know where they are. And, unless you want to ruin your friends night, there's no reason to tell her where he is either. Even if you genuinely don't care where your ex is, that's now, after a shoulder of vodka you may think very differently. Even though you think tonight is the best you've ever looked, following him (or her) to their destination in your bodycon dress teamed with your smug grin, is never a good idea.
WARNING: The next day when his friends are calling you a Stage Five Clinger you will stay in hiding for a long time.
4) Wearing Flats
You're at pre drinks and the booze is flowing. You are nearly finished your shoulder of vodka and your new €40 heels from Motive are starting to hurt. DON'T DO IT! I know many people think that flats look nice and they wouldn't notice, but people will. Unless you are the height of Naomi Campbell with her elongated pins, you will feel intimidated by the tall folk, less girly and, let's face it, fatter. Heels make all girls feel better about themselves, even if they don't admit it.
WARNING: Test the shoes out a lot before buying. Walking around the shop millions of times may look bizzare but it will be oh so worth it. And, bring a pair of flats in your bag to wear in the taxi on the way home.
5) Planning to get 'Charlie Sheen' drunk
If you plan to get as drunk as Charlie Sheen this can go either way. You will either get so drunk that you fall asleep at pre drinks or you might psych yourself out and not get drunk at all. Being too drunk or angry because you're not as drunk as you wanted to be are never good looks. Just don't hype yourself or the night up too much and you will be just fine.
WARNING: Drinking 10 tequila shots in 10 minutes will never EVER end well. And that poor barman who poured you those drinks will get vomited on verrry shortly.
6) Girls Night Out
The decision to have a girls not out is a bizarre one for students our age. Even if a girl says she wants it to be just the girls, she is either a) lying or b) in a relationship. Thus, leaving the single gals on a girls night out to become competitive over that one hot guy in the club. Facts are girls can be bitchy, so with a room full of girls it is only a matter of time.
WARNING: This may cause bitch fights, unnecessary drama and a pounding headache.
7) Not Eating Before You Go Out
Ever wondered why that girl in the corner of the club is so outrageously drunk compared to her friends? Well she either drank four times than usual or didn't eat before she went out. If your idea of look super skinny in your new 'boobs, butt, legs' dress is to starve yourself for the day...stop right there. If this is of major concern to you have your dinner an hour earlier than normal. But if you don't eat, trust me, you will be so pissed that you will find a way to get food, and you will look very sloppy eating it.