
8 Great Reasons To Start Jogging This Summer

Jogging gets a pretty bad rap, with most people citing it as their worst nightmare. But hear me out - it's not as bad as you think. In fact, it may end up being something you really enjoy. It has many positive outcomes listed below and this might even encourage you to give it a try...

1. For physical health.

This probably goes without saying, but it's an important outcome of regular jogging. Maybe even more important than weight loss, it makes you fitter and improves your overall health. Your body is always looking out for you, so show it some love.

2. For mental health.

Going for a jog is a foolproof way to clear your head and help you focus, and it will improve your general outlook too. Exercise = endorphins = a happier you.

3. To ease guilt.

There's no point in pretending that this isn't a big reason why many of us jog. Often, we're less active during the summer, and eventually end up feeling pretty guilty about not exercising. Jogging is an easy way to avoid this nagging feeling. Plus, every Chinese takeaway tastes a little bit sweeter when you know it's being balanced out by some exercise.

4. To gain confidence.

A sad reality is that many of us aren't brave enough to go jogging. Getting sweaty, breathing heavily, wearing tight clothing, all while outdoors and in full view of - well - EVERYONE. I can think of fifty things I'd rather be doing, to be honest. But once you go for that first jog you'll begin to overcome those insecurities, and realise that nobody's looking at you anyway. And if they are... well, the faster you jog, the sooner you'll be away from them...

5. It's free as a bird.

Why go to the gym when you can jog FOR FREE? I guess the gym offers a wider range of activities, but at least if you miss a jog, you don't have to feel guilty about not getting the value out of your subscription. More money for you to spend on nights out, I reckon.

6. To escape boredom.

What is this "employment" you speak of? Sounds awesome, but we all can't be so lucky. Three whole months free from lectures and assignments is paradise for about a week, until you've caught up on all your TV shows and you realise you have nothing to do with your life between now and September. Jogging will save you from the black hole that is summer boredom.

7. To challenge yourself.

You're not going to be able to jog non-stop, for a whole hour on your first try - you're not The Flash my friend, but you know what? That's okay. It's all about building it up over time and setting yourself achievable goals. The "walk-jog-walk" method (note: that name is in no way official) generally proves to be the most effective. Go at your own pace, literally.

8. To have fun.

Contrary to popular opinion, jogging can actually be pretty fun, especially when combined with a pair of earphones and a good playlist. Use an upbeat pop song to help you imagine that your jog is part of an exercise montage in a romantic comedy, or a dramatic track to help you pretend that you're racing against the clock to save your city from a deadly villain in the season finale of your favourite TV show. It's your call - anything is possible when you're jogging. So get your sneakers on and hit that pavement bitches!

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Orna is 20 years old and has just begun her third and final year studying English with Drama at UCD. She is a founding committee member and the Public Relations Officer of the UCD Harry Potter Society, and is a fan of TV, vodka, writing and feminism.