Battle of the Take That Stars- Robbie vs. Gary

It's no secret that Robbie Williams and Gareth Barlow have had their fair share of arguments in the past but this year has actually marked the first time they've both released solo albums at the same time since 1997. Whilst they are now good friends, there is still of course a bit of room for playful competition. In Robbie's video for "Dream a Little Dream," released at the start of this month, for example, a girl replies to Robbie's question on her favourite singer with a cheeky "Gary Barlow." Robbie takes it on the chin but seriously, who triumphs when the heat is on? Let's have a look:
At Singing
Robbie can hold a tune but he doesn't have the power Gary has. Why else was/is Gaz Take That's lead singer?
Winner= Gary Barlow
At Performing
Take That put on some grand displays for their previous two tours but Robbie can get the crowd pumped on his own. He's energetic, he's bombastic, he's enthusiastic and possibly on drugs- you'll always a fun time with him!
Winner= Robbie Williams
At Songwriting
Gary writes both music and lyrics; Robbie only does lyrics. Having said that, this is a tough one because Robbie is better with his words than Gary is. Songs like "Come Undone" for example, are both clever and catchy. Still, with all that in mind, melodies are at least half the work and for all his good intentions, Robbie falls short of Gary here, even though he also has a better back catalogue than Gary and Take That combined.
Winner= Gary Barlow
It's Robbie, without a doubt. Gary Barlow is great at performing a pop song behind his piano with complementary backing vocals but beyond that, not much can be said about Gary's musical interests. Robbie has incorporated elements of rock, pop, disco and swing into his back-catalogue. His latest album, Swings Both Ways, is in fact a swing album and it's a worthy homage to a gone-by era.
Winner= Robbie Williams
This is another close call, as both men are still performing but if only one of them was around in ten years, I would have to bet my money on Robbie. Gary's latest solo album has been well-received but he doesn't have the utopia of hits Robbie's achieved on his own (partly because he was out of the game between 2000 and 2005). Even if you throw on those Take That numbers we all love (which Robbie can claim some credit to), he's still outnumbered. Robbie, furthermore, doesn't need Take That- it is a mere comfort for him. He can even live off covers, if he wanted to. Thus, while clearly arguable, I will once again vote for Robbie.
Winner= Robbie Williams
Champion- Robbie Williams
It was a close one though!