
14 Annoying AF Things People Say When They Come Back From Travelling

Without a doubt travelling is one of those things you should do at least once in your life. That's just one of the bullshitty things people who have done a gap year say. Here are 14 more. I've translated these into their literal meanings for those of you who are allergic to BS.

1. Thailand was really eye opening 

I’d never seen a woman do that with a ping pong ball before.

2. It was a real experience trying out all the local cuisine

It was a real experience vomiting and shitting at the same time.

3. The views were stunning

They’ve literally got me hundreds of likes on Facebook

4. You have to go there sometime!

Please don’t go there, because if you do I’ll never be able to lord it over you.

5. It was cool getting to interact with the locals

It was cool getting to interact all the other sunburnt Irish tourists and other English speaking people.

6. It felt so good to switch off from social media

Except when there was good wi-fi.

7. The place we were staying was really rustic

It was a shithole.

8. I’d love to go travelling again

I really don’t want to go back to work.

9. I made so many new friends over there

That I will literally never speak to again.

10. I had a few flings with some of the natives

I shifted a Longford girl in Paddy’s Irish pub.

11. We absorbed so much culture over there

We absorbed so much alcohol over there.

12. We had some unforgettable nights

I'll never forget the night we had to ring home because we'd lost our passports and had only had €7 in our accounts.

13. Travel really broadens the mind

Travel really broadens the waist.

14. It was fun trying to learn a new language

It was fun trying to learn hello, goodbye and how much in a different language.

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