
CT Crepe of the Week - Strawberries & Vanilla Icecream

Every week, a little spy from trawls through the wonderful world of the Avoca Cookbook and selects the most attractive French desserts possible. Nothing is taken that isn’t there to be seen so you might want to update your grandmother's recipes because it could be next weeks CT Crepe Of The Week…particularly if you happen to be a really attractive pancake.


You melt the choclate, imma drizz

Ugh such an attention whore

No shame

She obviously paid for these, it doesn't make her a model

Ha! Putting on a show for the lads scoring Kate Moss

Let the slut shaming begin.

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Video Section Editor at CT. Writer, Director, Actor, Lothario. Hobbies include: sailing, fencing, flower pressing, and writing mini bios.