
DCU B&E Ball 2014

January means many things to college-goers; it could be the start of their final semester as a student, 4 weeks of study for the poor souls of DIT and DCU, or that period of motivation where ‘this is the year’ to lose those few extra pounds. One thing we can be sure of in January; our News Feeds will come alive with promotions for upcoming university balls. One ball we are very much looking forward to is DCU Enterprise Society’s Business & Enterprise Ball.

The B&E Ball is one event that brings DCU to a standstill. Hair and Make-up salons are set up from early morning in DCU’s main student complex, the clicking of heels can be heard throughout the afternoon and of course; there isn’t a naggin’ to be bought in sight. It could only be the 13th of March; the night of The B&E Ball.

Founded in 2011, The B&E Ball has been a sell-out every year in its existence. Selling out in 20 minutes last year, it’s no surprise that it’s the staple event of both the Enterprise Society (Esoc) and DCU’s social calender. Not only does it draw crowds from the Business School but every faculty including staff swarms to the occasion.

2014 promises to be the best yet. The acts are bigger, the alcohol is stronger and the morals are looser. Students will be swapping cans of Druids for champagne and Hollister t-shirts for suits. The B&E Ball is the crème de la crème of student events; operating on a scale of epic proportions. The ladies will be dolled up in glorious gowns and the gents will be the epitome of slick in suit & tie. But don’t let all this sophistication fool you, there will still be the usual share of alcohol-fuelled hijinks; you can still expect to be partying well into the wee hours of the morning.

The B&E Ball is renowned for its musical entertainment and this year is definitely the hottest line-up yet. Kerry loop peddler Bryan Corbett will get the night started followed by the lead Irish rock band; Walking on Cars. Walking on Cars are red hot at the moment and the sky truly is the limit for this group. Following Walking on Cars, Esoc brings us DJ AMK; one of Ireland’s most talented DJs who is known for his work on continental Europe. Finally, the super-duo Dead Presidentz take the stage. If you’ve seen these guys before, you know what to expect. Either way, they will rock the Crowne Plaze on the 13th of March. Party rockers take note, you will be on the floor all night and you will be having the time of your life.

Aside from the huge music acts, the B&E Ball will boast a champagne reception, luxurious chocolate fountain, a photo booth for you and your pals to remember the night (even if you won’t) and tons of drinks promotions.

What’s more – the Enterprise Society promises they have a few more surprises up their tuxedoed sleeves. Need I say more?

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Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover.