
What Every Girl's Hairdresser Says About Her

Girls and their hairdressers have a special bond. Whether you're a high-maintenance blonde (root touches every 3 weeks) or a seriously low maintenance (last cut was had before the Junior Cert) who you go to says more than you might think.

The Groomed Goddess

Most likely seen in  Dylan Bradshaw

She's kind of famous. She's been in the audience on the Late Late over 5 times. She and her beloved met in Krystle. She books in regularly for blow-dries (twice a week) Dad pays as he see's it as an investment in her Morketing (herself) She feels comfortable surrounded by the beautiful people of Ireland here.

The Bohemian

Most likely seen in Style Club 

She wants to be alternative but in a mainstream way. Nicole Richie now has pink hair and so our queen thinks she can do that now. She'll update her 857 instagram followers on every step of the process. #Nervous #HereIGo #PurpleHairedPeopleOfInstagram

The Daddy's Girl

Most likely found at Brown Sugar in Blackrock

She still lives at home. Why would she bother moving into town if she can stay at home rent free? She's contemplating a masters while raking the money in from hostessing in Everleigh. The guys in Brown Sugar are like old friends (except she pays them) She goes so regularly that she has lost the skills to actually blow dry her own hair. People think she naturally wakes up with Millie Mackintosh/Kate Moss bed head naturally.

The 'Natural' Blonde

Most likely found at Peter Marks (anywhere) 

Highlights have been administered since her mum brought her down the week before her confirmation for a little 'lightening'. No one, even she, is actually sure what her real hair color is as a result. A natural blonde? Kind of. She contemplates letting her roots grow out to save cash but then Peter Marks have some sort of 20% off day. She takes it as a sign and books in religiously once again.

The Reality TV Wannabe

Most likely found at Ceira Lambert Hair extensions. 

Her hair is half the length of her body and she is tanned an toned to perfection.

She has a Facebook like page and is almost a celebrity in her own right if TV3 would just sign off on that deal. She's a born hustler and socialite. Freebies galore come to her door in exchange for promotion on all her extremely frequently updated social media platforms. A rugby player boyfriend and a spread in Life Magaine is needed. It's just taking time. Those guys have far too many options here at the moment.

The Traveller

She's traveled all the way to Mexico and back on €500 that she won in a game of poker two weeks after dropping out of college. She wouldn't dream of paying full price for anything. Cats Monday to Wednesday might just about be OK. She likes Cats so chose here solely for that reason.

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