The Girls Bathroom: A Place of Newfound Friendships & Support

Guys always wonder why us women go to bathrooms in packs. I understand why they would find this confusing. To be honest, I don't often engage in this practice because if I actually have to pee, I don't want to have a chat with my friends while I'm doing it. But bathrooms are not just places to do your business, bathrooms are places of refreshment and solace; of comfort and compliment. When you're drunk and out with all the girls in the nightclub, sometimes you need a break from all the madness out on the dance-floor and take a breather with your ladies. The following are the benefits and aspects of the bathroom that us women love.
The Ego Boost.
Everyone loves everyone and compliments each other. There is no competitiveness and everyone is helpful. Its a haven for drunk and insecure women. There are still bitches everywhere so you might get a few backhanded compliments ('I'd never be able to wear such short skirts but somehow you pull it off') but for the most part everyone compliments everyone. You'll be hearing 'Thanks, Penneys' every ten or seconds. The good lighting is also a great plus - very flattering. You can fix yourself up and check yourself out. Why not even perform a little catwalk with your friends. I'm telling it happens, all the time.
'Need anything...?'
Strangers will loan anything in the bathroom, germ sharing be damned: eyeliner, blusher, powder, lipstick, tampon, phones. Anything you need, the girls have your back. Even if you've only known them five minutes.
They are paid to make sure you have a good night. Granted sometimes it can feel like they are judging you, but for the most part they can be the nicest and most helpful person you'll meet, and even more nice and helpful once you tip.
Queuing gains you friends!
What else are you supposed to do while waiting to pee, make new bosom friends! You will have everything in common and wonder how on earth you've never run into each other before. You might even get so close in those five minutes in the queue that you'll go into the stall together to cement your new-found friendship. However, such perfection was not meant for this world and after you've washed hands and taken a few obligatory selfies you'll go out on the dance-floor and they'll disappear into the ether, never to see each other again. It's bittersweet really. To be fair, you were both absolutely plastered so you might have actually hated each other in real life.
Everyone bands together.
If someone is sick we all help them out. Someone will get water, another person will get tissues, someone will produce a hair tie. We are all soul sisters and we will all look out for each other. There's is always some drama and everyone will help to sort it out. It's like a female support group. Bad boyfriend, well deal with it. Crazy ex? I can top that story. We came here to party and no drama is going to stop us girls having a good time.
Selfie Safe Zone.
No one judges the amount of selfies you'll take. if they do, they are probably just bitter that you haven't asked them to join in. In fact, most girls will join and photo-bomb each other and do crazy poses. It can be the best craic. Even if its also the cringiest part of the night. You'll probably delete all of the photos but the memories of the best bathroom bash will stick with you forever.