How To Watch Every Season Of A TV Show In One Sitting

Whether it be The US Office, The Big Bang Theory or Breaking Bad, there is nothing better, on a Sunday hangover, than watching my favourite TV Shows. But there are rules that must be followed and precautions that must be taken. Don't let the battery go or wear an uncomfortable outfit, you will only ruin it for yourself. You may think there is no way you can get through this much TV in one sitting but oh how you are wrong. If you don't believe me try for yourself, here is my way. Check out How To Watch Every Season Of A TV Show In One Sitting.
1) Have Food Near You
The more the better I say but how much you eat is up to you. The fridge will seem so far away when you are tucked up in bed so gather the troops. And by troops, I mean copious amounts of Walkers Cheese and Onion Crisps, and add them into a sandwich while you're at it.
2) Make Sure Your Chosen Show Has At Least 3 Seasons Already Up Online
In order to avoid disappointment, choose a show that has at least three full completed seasons. You don't want to be on the second last episode and not be able to see the finale. This will be heartbreaking.
3) Upload All Episodes Before You Begin
Make sure all the episodes are uploaded before you sit down to watch. When there is that one episode that takes ages to load it is life threatening. Those 2-20 minutes waiting is like a 13 hour flight to LAX. You are okay at first but then the uncomfortable, confusing and impatient aspects set in. You are ready to attack that laptop screen.
4) Have Each Episode In Order
If you happen to start watching an episode that is two ahead of the previous, you are in bad territory my friend. The 'previously', especially on American sitcoms, is a total giveaway. Now, you don't know what to do. Is there any point watching the one I missed?, you asked yourself. Utter panic sets in.
5) Put Your Phone On Silent
Since it is your day off, mid-week or on a Saturday or Sunday, you have got to put that phone on silent. Someone interrupting you could ruin this TV binge you have been waiting for. And, what if they ask you to meet for coffee or come over? You may not be able to make an excuse fast enough. Don't risk it.
6) Unlimited Supplies Of Beverages
Whether it be Coke, 7up, Fanta or Club Rockshandy, a two litre bottle is essential here. You will not be moving and that food can't go down smoothly without a delightful refreshment. If you have ice and lemon to put in the glass even better. Remember stay hydrated we don't want you to be in any way uncomfortable now do we?
7) Make Sure Your Laptop Is Charged
Make sure you are either charging your laptop or that your charger is very near to you. If the battery goes, you will have to wait for it to charge and start back up again. Feelings of anger, laziness and boredom will take over and consequences could be dire.
8) Comfy Clothes
Don't even try to be the fashionista that I'm sure you are today. It is time for the comfiest clothes you own. Bare no expense and if your favorite pajamas bottoms are dirty, it is okay. No one is going to see you today.
9) Make Sure You Have No Plans
Cancel all unnecessary plans and make sure you have all homework and assignments completed. Nothing and no one is going to bring you down today. Leave all your problems at the door. You are the TV King.
10) Warm Bed
A warm bed is essential. Whether you have a water bottle, an electric blanket or you can heat it up the old fashion way, it is your top priority. Make sure your bed is as comfy as you can make it. This is your time to shine.
12) Sing The Theme Tune
If by Season 1 Episode 5, you are singing the theme tune at the top of your lungs, you have achieved something very special. You are now addicted to the show and you should be very proud of yourself.
13) You Should Be Rooting For Someone
You find yourself rooting for a character or a couple. Whether it is Ryan and Marissa in The O.C or Dwight and Angela in The US Office, you are rooting for them and you don't care who knows it.
14) Fall In Love With At Least Three Characters
Their should be a character you want as your best friend, one as your lover and one as your arch nemesis. You will feel by now that you absolutely identify with this series and you wish you were an actor.
15) Feel Various Emotions
From anger, shock and fear to crying like a baby. Your body will go through different stages of emotions. You may cry at something that usually wouldn't even make you flinch but now you have invested time in the story lines. You feel you know these people.
16) Have A New Show On Standby
You will feel sadness and emptiness when you reach the end of a season. If they aren't coming back until two months time or never returning at all, your hollow heart needs cheering up. In case of an emergency, have another season on standby ready to go. You wouldn't want to feel lonely now would you? If these such feelings occur you may feel shocked at your last 6 hours behavior. Hang in there we all do it.
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