Intelligence, Affection And Honesty: Things He Wants More Than A Butt And Big Boobs

Guys get a lot of abuse for objectifying women and helping sustain the "Bro" persona by constantly alluding to women's bodies over their characters, and rightfully so. But no matter what he says in front of his guy friends, he is looking for a lot more than just a round butt and big boobs.
1. Someone to confide in.
Never underestimate the power of confiding in someone. Men have an awful habit of holding something in for long periods of time, letting it eat away at them until it eventually comes bubbling to the surface and explodes. A close and trustworthy girlfriend is something that every boyfriend wants.
2. Intelligence.
It's very true that your looks can only bring you so far. Your personal appearance is like the wrapper of a candy bar; it's great at grabbing the initial attention of someone, but it's the inside that keeps their attention. Smart girls will always go far, and rank higher in a man's wants than an attractive ditsy bimbo. A girl with her own views, opinions and beliefs, with the ability to back it up, will enhance both her desirability and her respect among men. BOOM! Double whammy!
3. Affection.
Believe it or not, men like to be treated with affection just as much as girls - they just keep quiet about it! You always know when a relationship is heading for the scrapyard when the affection begins to slide. Whether that be a kiss on the cheek when you're saying goodbye or telling him that you love him, guys fully appreciate a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and knows how to treat a man. Are you getting that warm, soft fuzzy feeling inside yet?
4. Humour.
I'll take a girl who can make me laugh over a model any day of the week - and by that I mean, I'll take a 7/10 girl who knows how to crack a joke over a 10/10 who's as dull as a rainy day in Dublin.
5. Confidence.
Confidence in a woman is a massive turn on for men. A strong woman who is comfortable in her own skin who has a slight aura of arrogance about her will draw guys to her like a moth to a flame.
6. Honesty.
Honesty is perhaps the single most important key to any relationship. With it, a relationship will grow strength to strength but without it, it will ultimately collapse. Nobody, guy or girl, wants to feel like they have to keep an eye on their partner. She should be your girlfriend and committed to you if you decide to start a relationship. You shouldn't have to watch over her like a child.
7. A best friend.
I know that "dog is a man's best friend" is a universally accepted phrase, but I believe that the ideal girlfriend should be a man's best friend. Someone who you can come home to, unwind, feel comfortable with in your own skin, pet her head, and genuinely enjoy her company more than anyone else's. Now that I think about it, that does sound awfully familiar to a dog? Happy coincidence I guess.
8. Ambition.
Everyone is attracted to someone who has a bit of ambition and drive - someone who knows what they want and will stop at nothing until they get it. Guys like a girl who has goals and objectives, and thoroughly intends on achieving them, i.e, she isn't happy working as a hairdresser in the local shopping centre for the next 40 years. That's the other end of the spectrum - the exact opposite of ambition.
9. A good sex drive.
It may be fickle but you can't be surprised ladies. Men are sexual creatures; sexual creatures with needs. We think about sex on a minute-to-minute basis and a girl who can keep us happy in the bedroom goes along way into securing a place in our hearts, and pants.
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