It WILL Hurt: 5 Important Things To Know Before Getting Inked

Tattoos can change your whole look. They make you look a badass motherfucker and ALWAYS WILL. There are some things that people don't realise before getting inked though and so I'm here to point them out to you, from one motherfucking badass to another....
1) It may affect your career, depending on the area you're hoping to end up in.
Thankfully, the generation who think tattoos will impact on your work ethic will die out soon. Sadly though, there are still some areas of employment where tattooed wrists and full sleeve just aren't the norm. So when you're thinking of getting one, keep that in mind because it could impact on your future, silly as that may seem. Maybe get it in a place that isn't visible, i.e your neck, hands, face, aka, be sensible.
2) It will hurt so stop fooling yourself.
Me, the person with the lowest pain tolerance of all time, can honestly say that it didn't hurt that much. But, mine didn't have any shading and I hear that hurts like a bitch, so be wary and come prepared. The most painful places to get tattoos are the bum, foot, ribs and hip, so if you're brave enough to get them anywhere like that, pop a couple of painkillers before the needles come anywhere near you.
3) You need to think about it really, really hard.
If you think of an idea for a tattoo, I'd say wait 6 months to a year and see if you still like that idea. People change their minds every minute. You could like one thing one second and hate it the next. So don't go getting Zayn tattooed on your arse just yet - traitor.
4) You have to find a good studio and artist.
There's no point in going to some shitty shop on a street corner with an even shittier artist. Look up which places are good near you and then look up the artists. They seem like scary places, but they're really not. You can pop in for a chat and scope out the place. Make sure it's clean and that you can see them wearing gloves. You don't want to leave the place with a badly drawn tattoo and an even worse disease now, do you? Do your homework and you really won't regret it.
5) Finally, think about how well it's going to 'go' with your daily life.
If you're getting a big piece on your arm, think of how it's going to look against certain colours, your skin, your clothes and how it'll fit in with your day to day duties. You don't want to be forced to never wear the colour blue anymore because it clashes with your own arm. And you also don't want to have to look on point all the time because let's face it, that's a hell of a lot of work....