One Simple, Easy Way to Save Money This Term...

Being an adult is difficult. When you’re young, money is somebody else’s concern. Unfortunately, as a grown-up with control over your own finances, you have to deal with the realities of budgeting. For students trying to make the most of their college experience, there are difficult decisions to make every day. The opportunity cost of a night out on Wednesday could be milk-less cereal and plain pasta for the rest of the week.
The new Semester is now in full swing which means that students are back studying, working and spending on their numerous nights out! We understand the student lifestyle, that's why students need to know about One Big Switch.
One Big Switch launched in Ireland in February 2014 with the Big Energy Switch, a campaign to unlock group discounted electricity and gas. This national group switching campaign was the first of its kind in Ireland, and used a campaigning technique pioneered by One Big Switch globally.
64,000-plus households joined the Big Energy Switch creating unprecedented people power. Tens of thousands of consumers saved on soaring electricity bills as a result of switching or shopping around.
This time, OBS are undertaking a survey to lower Taxi fares by getting a large amount of people signed up in the same way they have previously with energy and health insurance. This means that as students you can save money on taxi's and have your say about interesting taxi experiences.
When OBS reaches its target membership of 10,000 people for its latest campaign, it will negotiate group discounted taxi fares from emerging competitors in the Taxi App market, like Hailo, Uber and Lynk enabling the first 10,000 people who sign up to make easy savings.
So all you need to do to save money on getting into college or home from a night out is sign up to One Big Switch now...