People Are Sharing Their #HomeToVote Journeys And It's An Emotional Rollercoaster

The #HomeToVote movement is in full swing at the moment, and people from far and wide are sharing their journeys home to vote on Friday the 25th of May.
The last few days have definitely been draining for all us voters. With all this information being thrown at us from both sides, it’s given us a bit of a headache trying to keep ourselves positive. We’ve all been giving it one more go to try and convince friends and family to vote for what we believe is right and giving it socks to sway undecided voters.
I’m sure we’re all going to be delighted to see Friday morning when we can all finally do what we’ve been campaigning for for the last year, or even longer, and that’s voting. We’ve read all the dos and don’ts and have spread ourselves thinly in order to do the most we can to get the relevant information out there.
One thing that will keep us afloat over the next two days is the #HomeToVote movement. Hundreds of people are sharing stories of their journeys, from getting funding to purchase tickets, to setting foot in their home town for the vote on Friday.
People have taken to Twitter to praise each other for coming home to vote, and posting about the journey they’ve made, either short or long, to get home so they can make their mark in history.
Just starting my journey #hometovote from Sweden. All I can think of is the 10-12 women who are nervously awaiting their bus/train/flight to get to their appointment. For women in a crisis, today is a day like no other. Time for care and compassion in Ireland. Time for change.
— Ailbhe Coleman (@coleman_ailbhe) May 23, 2018
I'm coming #HomeToVote ! Will be traveling 5,169 miles from LA to Dublin and will be thinking of every Irish woman who has had to travel to access healthcare that should be available in their own country. Let's do this, Ireland! #repealthe8th #VoteYes
— Lauryn Canny (@LaurynCanny) May 23, 2018
#hometovote from Queensland to Dublin. Arrived in today and worth it. Drinking Lyons tea at 5am with jetlag. #repealthe8th #togetherforyes #hometovote #trustwomen #8thref
— Siobhan Gilroy (@shiv_gilroy) May 23, 2018
3,921 miles later I made it to Dublin from Atlanta! Had somebody recognise my Repeal shirt in Atlanta and give me the thumbs up ❤️ So ready to Repeal #hometovote #VoteYes #repealth8th
— RMG (@RMG17S) May 23, 2018
I'm now #hometovote <3 <3
— E (@RepEal_mer) May 23, 2018
So so sad to be leaving Costa Rica today for the long journey home. It’s been an incredible 3 months. I’m glad I planned it though so I could go #HomeToVote #Repeal
— Nicola O'Leary (@nicola_oleary) May 20, 2018
Cost of flights from Hanoi to Dublin: 800 euro. Length of journey: 20 hours. Chance to #repealthe8th: PRICELESS. #hometovote #Together4Yes
— the cute hoor (@HoorayForNiamh) May 22, 2018
There are about 35 young gals, most of them on their own, waiting for bags from my flight to Dublin from Sydney ❤❤❤ #hometovote
— becky ann leeman (@foreveralowen) May 18, 2018
Boarding a 13 hour flight from Buenos Aires to London. London to Dublin tomorrow. No one at airport knows what my repeal jumper means. No one here knows why I'm travelling. If this feels isolating for me, can't imagine how lonely it must be 4 her, travelling 2 the UK #HomeToVote
— Ciaran Gaffney (@gaffneyciaran) May 22, 2018
The flight attendant checking my ticket on the plane #hometovote this morning was wearing a “Tá” badge. :)
— IO for Yes // May 25th (@iarlaoh) May 20, 2018
What a strange country we are. Today women travelling out of Ireland to overseas clinics may cross paths in airports with diaspora travelling #hometovote. Hope the women who travel get comfort from the invisible support of returning repealers #Together4Yes
— Mary Buckley (@marybuckley549) May 21, 2018
I sponsored someone’s flights so she could come #HomeToVote and I’m now sitting on my hands because all I want to do is message her “are you home yet? Are you home yet? ARE YOU HOME YET?”
— Louise O' Neill (@oneilllo) May 23, 2018
Just started the first leg of my journey #hometovote. Taking a night bus to Tokyo, where I will fly out tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, I can find something fun to do while eagerly awaiting my chance to help #RepealTheEighth on Friday.
— Matthew Corbally (@Corballicious) May 22, 2018
Inspired by the stellar work of @TipperaryForYes and an email from my supervisor saying "the activism is more important right now", I booked an earlier flight #HometoVote + #HometoCanvass.
Why sit around writing history, when I could help make it? #Together4Yes
— Maurice Casey (@MauriceJCasey) May 21, 2018
All these Tweets are really making us all warm and fuzzy inside! #TogetherForYes