The Pros and Cons Of Living in Suburbia

With two out of three people who live in Dublin living in the suburbs, we have grown accustomed to our cosy little nests. Far from the big smoke of the city, we sometimes forget how the other half lives. Everything has its drawbacks and living in the suburbs is no different. Here are the pros and cons of living in Suburbia:
Free from the hustle bustle
When you're living in the suburbs you're not subjected to the sounds of cars and constant roadworks. It doesn't take you half an hour to get into to your estate which is a big plus.
It is a nightmare to get anywhere else
Living away from the city means that you are ages away from absolutely everything. All the best shops and night clubs are in town. The closest thing you have is the square and your local pub, not really the height of fashion.
Actually having a back garden
It can be great to have a place to go when the sun is out and make the most of it. If it is really good you can always have a barbeque.
Taking care of it
If your not an avid gardener it can be a hassle to take care of it and if you leave it for a few months it can end up looking like a jungle.
Being able to have six bathrooms
In suburbia houses are bigger because there is the space to build them. This means an unecessary amount of rooms and bathrooms.
Not knowing where any of them are
Your house is so big that you actually forgot where the toilets are and always end up walking into the laundry closet.
Friendly Neighbours
People are friendly to each other because they know they will be seeing at lot of each other. If you're living in an apartment in the city you sneak by without being noticed.
Friendly Neighbours
Sometimes the last thing you want is your neighbour on your doorstep everytime they hear some gossip about someone on the road.
Being part of a community
It can be reassuring to know that if you're are ever stuck or need a hand with things there are people willing to lend a hand. If you get real comfortable you start to take pride in your community.
Having to contribute to it
Community work isn't for everyone and when everyone else is taking part in Tidy town your the one who leaves your rubbish bin overflowing on the road.
Picturesque Scenery
Living up near the mountains or near the sea means your house could have some beautiful views. Ireland is known for its green countryside and it can be nice to have that free space near you.
Burnt out cars
Most of the green fields are used to burn stolen cars or to dump rubbish. No one bats and eyelid because it is out near the country.
Some Peace and Tranquility
Being away from it all means that there is more me time or even time to spend with the family. You won't be bothered when you want to kick back and relax.
Desperate Housewives
With all that spare time on your hands boredom can lead to a lot of things. With the husband at work, well, we all know what happens in the TV show right?
It's much cheaper
The cost of living in town can be ridiculous, rents are going up and up every day. A house out in the suburbs seems like the best idea.
You spend most of your money on stupid shit
With much bigger houses, it means that you have to fill all your pointless rooms with shit. Furniture is the first port of call, but after a while it turns into ornate statues and grand tapestries.
Family Friendly
The suburbs are the best place to grow up, with lots of families living in the same area . If you're planning on having more kids, your house already has enough rooms to cater for the newborns.
Screaming Children
Everyone is in the same boat as you, which means more and more screaming children to deal with on a daily basis. Play dates are really your worst nightmare.
Pajama Dress Code
Sometimes you can get a bit too comfortable in your surroundings and feel like you can wear anything because no one is looking "Sure, I'll just pop down to the shop in my Pjs".
You meet the whole neighborhood while you're out
While you're at the shops you meet everyone you possibly could. They already had their own opinion of you, but now they have seen dressed like that and have gone way down in their estimation.