Why We Can All Relate To Selena Gomez's Tan Mishap

When Selena Gomez rocked up to the Met Gala with a clearly noticeable tan mis-hap, we all had that OMG RELATABLE moment that comes around every seven seconds on the Twittersphere. There’s been many people on Twitter commenting on her hyper-tanned appearance, some making ‘Black face’ accusations, and other completely relating to her makeup artists mistake, which happens to many of us Irish girls on the regular.
Selena Gomez has been in the spotlight a lot recently due to a kidney transplant operation she underwent, and her break up from the one and only, Justin Bieber. This makeup mishap was just the icing on the cake for Selena, which has caused both positive and negative reactions.
selena gomez dares to show up to the met gala in her granny’s nightgown from 1930, streaky fake tan and concealer on her lips and expects me to not make fun of her
— letizia (@LADYLOKlS) May 8, 2018
Selena off to a christening in Drimnagh pic.twitter.com/MjPoVpZsxW
— Scuzzy Beth (@uughhhhhh) May 8, 2018
It was clear from many photographs taken of her on the night that the universal tan nightmare had happened, and it wasn’t the regular patchy tan hands, that are pointed out and compared in college the night before the Fresher’s ball. Unfortunately, it was stubborn facial tan which usually happens when we put too much CoCo Brown on our mit and hesitantly apply it to our face without noticing what we’ve down until the next morning.
This is a clear mishap from Selena’s Glam Squad rather than herself, because clearly she wouldn’t be in charge of her own tan for the Met, unlike us not-so-famous gals who re-use tanning mits until they fall apart, and continue to use our choice of tan even when it starts going green.
This incident was the workings of a spray tan that may have been a tiny bit too dark, but once it’s done, there’s no going back. Another factor that may have come into play in this tragedy could have been lighting, and flash photography. We all know too well what bad lighting can do when applying makeup and when we pose for our pictures.
We really feel for Selena, and of course would lie to her face and tell her it’s not so noticeable if she asked for our opinion! The usually stylish, naturally glowing singer reacted to the backlash perfectly by posting to Instagram and joking about her Met photos:
The singer/actress also announced this week that she will be releasing her new single from the new 13 Reasons Why 2 soundtrack later today, Thursday 10th. Maybe this whole tan controversy was a weird PR stunt after all...