
20 Sure Signs You're Just A Total Asshole

If you have found yourself doing any of these things... You might need to have a long look and yourself in the mirror. Luckily, de-assholing is easy enough, just don't be an asshole.

You park in disabled spaces

Or you park in two spaces

You wear Google Glasses

And snapbacks

Or deep V Necks

You do this with your tea bags

And this with your beer mats

Sometimes you take phonecalls where you shouldn't

And speak louder than appropriate

You're careless with your urination

You eat with your mouth open

And drink straight from the carton

Then you put it back in the fridge with a mouthful left

Listen to Picard next time

If you steal peoples drinks, you're an asshole

Or claim to be a non smoker and then ask for smokes from friends

You double dip your knife

And put chewed gum under desks

You open the toothpaste and squeeze from the top

And clap when the plane lands

I'm sure you're a lovely person underneath it all but if you do any of these things... Sort it out.

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Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover.