
Signs You've Had Enough To Drink On A Night Out.

1. You start to mix up scoring someone and drunken food...

2. You have a presentation at 8 in the morning and it's 4am

3. The person you've been trying to score all night has disappeared...oh wait you've found them...and they're with your best not drink any more...or Optimus Prime levels of transformations into rage will ensue.

4. You're having difficulty seeing straight...

5. You’re smoking. You don’t ever smoke.

6. All your friends have left and your finger is hovering over the ex's number...stop!

7. You are yelling when talking to friends. Like yelling directly into their ears....

8. Your dancing is becoming threatening to everyone in the building...

9. You’re trying to hold deep, philosophical life conversations with complete strangers. But you are making no all

10. Your ex is there and you’re actually considering talking to them...

11. Others have started ripping the piss out of you...coaxing you to do things that only people in your current condition would consider.

12. You're stumbling around the street looking for another bar and there aren't too many others around...only fellow drunks who should also consider stopping their pursuit of alcohol for the night.

13. You have spent half your rent on the night out.

14. The tequila has driven you to psycho town...

15. You’re raiding a stranger’s fridge. Making cheese and cabbage sandwiches...

16. You are still arguing with the bouncers as they are tossing you out the front door...

17. You are protesting the cops when they are kicking you all out of the club..

18. Vomit...there's way to much vomit..

19. You will literally eat anything that is put in front of you..

20. Your bladder control has gone completely out the window..

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.