What Your Stereotypical Tattoo Says About You…

Do you even stereotype?
1. Butterfly on Lower Back
You were the coolest person in your year when you were 17 thanks to this little beauty. Butterflies are so pretty, tattoos don’t have to have a meaning once you think it looks good and suits you, plus when you bend over, your top rides up your back and everyone can see your tattoo and your thong it’s a win win!
2. Tribal Arm Tattoo
Me lift weights. Grrr. Gains. Fear me or I’ll get my tribe after you.
3. Dragons/Skulls on Upper Arms
Congratulations; you actually are hardy, wear a wife beater and have a really ridiculous beard. Truthfully that is probably the skull of someone you ate for breakfast. You also may have won ‘Hardest Person of the Year’ award at your graduation. Fear these people, fear them.
4.Infinity Symbol
You had this before it became the most mainstream tattoo on the planet. Of course you did little hipster.
5. Sun/Moon/Stars on Your Back
You got this on holiday with your best friend when you were 16 and it was the best idea of your life at the time. Now you shamefully hide this fading design as you sale through you respectable thirties. No regrets only lessons learned.
6. A Dolphin on Your Shoulder
You also went on holiday with your friend but this is more of a ‘mid life crisis’ tattoo. You had 2/3 kids, were stuck in a rut and needed to do something to express your inner wild side. You should have just dyed your hair.
7. Live, Laugh, Love.
You are the ultimate hunzo of the 2k6 era. You can’t go a day without saying “Yolo” or “Everything happens for a reason.” Marilyn Monroe is probably your idol and you believe living, laughing and loving will get you through life. Good luck with that.
8. A Music Symbol Anywhere
Music is clearly your passion. It has gotten you through seriously tough times in your life like when Jennifer shifted Paddy behind your back and Laura never told you about it. Those lyrics, guitar solo’s, instrumentals seriously mean so so much to you. Your favoutrite song is by Katy Perry, well she is a musical genius…right?
9. A Chinese Symbol
You really love chicken curry.
10. “Only God Can Judge Me”
You’re trying to get the point across that you don’t care what people think of you. Your haterz are your motivatorz, you’re badass while being a devoted Christian. Sorry but we’re all judging you!