The 9 Struggles Of Having An Irish Accent Abroad

Being Irish on foreign soil is a unique experience, not least because no one can actually understand what you're saying. Here's just a few struggles of having an Irish accent abroad.
1. People ask you to speak in 'Gaelic'
"An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?" "Conas ata tu?"
You're practically fluent sure.
2. The clichés come in thick and fast
And suddenly everyone is a comedian. They love Guinness, they love saying you ("guys") love Guinness. The 'aul 'Top of the morning' reference usually creeps its way in there as well.
Cue lots of nodding and awkward laughter. It's only when the mention of potatoes gets dropped into the convo that you're thinking, "This fella's taking the absolute piss."

3. You haven't struggled with numbers this much since Leaving Cert Maths
Tuurrtytreeandatird. If you could remember what learning to talk was like, trying to pronounce the number three would probably be it.
Best just to avoid it all costs.
Boom! Productive day already, what time is it? Half tree on a Tursday, sure it's practically the weekend! #tirtytreeandatird
— Dave Conway (@conwaydc) November 21, 2013
4. Slang is a no go unless you want to repeat yourself constantly
Expressions such as 'Your man' or 'Your one' are met with a blank stare and the likes of 'Thanks a million'? Calm down there, no need to go overboard.
5. You never realised how fast you speak
Especially when you're chatting to another Irish person. It does sound like a different language in fairness.
#HappyStPatricksDay #StPatricksDay #IrishSlang for those who need it ???
— Marky Doyle (@Marky3330) March 17, 2018
6. You become a pro at tapping and pointing
Often the easiest option in the likes of a shop or a pub when you're attempting to order something.
FYI, if you're in a fruit and veg shop in Toronto and you're looking for a *courgette, describing it as 'long and green' to a bunch of shop workers and customers doesn't quite cut it.
*Zucchini #NeverForget
It's amazing how the pronunciation for 'butchered' in #Irishaccent is like 'bouh-churred'
— Swaggy Potter (@adraalisha_) December 10, 2017
7. People tell you how much they love the UK
Thanks, I'll be sure to pass that on to people who are actually from there
8. If your name is Irish, well good luck
You think you're getting on great in a job until you realise a year has passed and your boss is still calling you Neem.
Siobhan Is pronounced Shivawn like Shawn, Lawn, Dawn, Google it pls & and thank you ? #mispronounced #irishname #Lmao
— Titi Siobhan L B (@siobhan_titi) October 15, 2017
9. But aside from all the confusion and slags, your accent is always complimented
There is something about the Irish accent that always get to me. You Irish people, stop with the sexy accent #Ireland #Irish #Irishaccent #sosexy
— Flavia Brightside (@FlashBrightside) February 27, 2018
Do you ever see someone thats proper average but then you hear their accent and they go from a 6 straight to a 9.5 ? #Irish #IrishAccent
— Alycia Black (@alyciablackxo) February 5, 2018