The 5 Places Students Wake Up On A Night Out

1) The Taxi
The night's over for you and you're wrecked. Your friends have kindly placed the burden that is you onto the taxi driver and it's his duty to bring you home safety, but not for free. You'll mostly likely awaken to find the your personal chauffeur circling your address, doubling your 20€ fair to 40€. But who are you to argue, you're drunk so just give him a tip and leave.
2) The Toilet
The beats are pounding on the toilet door. No wait, it's one of the many people dying for a piss and you're there biggest obstacle . You don't remember how you got here but you're very and drunk and you definitely had good reason for being there.
3) Your mate's arms
You regain consciousness to find your head between your legs with your friends arm around you while someone gently whispers sweet nothings in your ear.... "your grand, get it all out". Vomit may or may not be circling your feet.
4) The Gaff
YOU FAILED to leave the premises. But at least you have your friends body art drawn all over you to keep you company.
5) The Club Line
Your friends are good for looking after you but not good enough to fork over the money to get your drunk self home solo. What follows is a Weekend at Bernie's situation, they prop you up and present you to bouncers to try prove your sobriety. While you randomly proclaim "ARE WE IN". But no one will get in and its your fault.