The 8 Stages Of Realising You're The Only Single One Left In The Group

Stage 1: Your Last Single Friend Starts Seeing Someone.
Maybe you just assumed she would be your solidarity sister forever, or you always thought you and him would eventually end up together. But it’s happened, and now you have to wonder: Am I going to be alone forever?
Stage 2: Accepting Your Third Wheel Status.
At least when you hang out with them they can keep their hands to themselves — Oh god, wait. No. What are they doing? GROSS.
Stage 3: Realizing The Hunzos Are Now Your Friends, Too.
I love these guys. Maybe we can all be a throuple?
Stage 4: Forcing Your Friends to Set You Up With Their Friends.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Am I right?
Stage 5: Basking in the Fact That You Have A Permanent Wing Man/Woman.
You and your friend won’t be going for the same guy because she’s already got one. Provided her SO isn’t getting all her attention, and the target doesn’t think your friend is way hotter. Always a risk, ladies and gents. Always a risk.
Stage 6: Wondering if You Should Just Accept Your Single-Forever Status And Get Some Cats.
Life could be nothing but a parade of soft, furry, adorable madness. Sounds pretty satisfying, actually.
Stage 7: You See Your Couple Friends Fighting And You’re Happy You Don’t Have To Deal With That.
I’ll just be at home stroking my cats, eating ice cream straight from the tub and binge-watching “Orange is the New Black” while you guys argue over whether or not you go out enough…
Stage 8: But Then You See How Happy They Make Each Other and You Know Your Search Isn’t Over.
via theDateReport