
The Best Burger In The Country Has Been Revealed

Thousands and thousands of people have voted on what they believe to be the best burger in the country. With so many to choose from, there can only be one winner; and that winner is... the Hungry Moose in Kilkenny!

Owned by Chris Telford, this partially crowdfunded restaurant takes the crown for best burger. It's award winning burger, which is made from brisket, chuck and short rib, is served with smoked bacon, dill pickles, dressed  with beer batter onion ring, aged Canadian moose cheddar and organic maple BBQ sauce. How amazing does that sound??

The second best burger in the country was voted as Handsome Burger in Galway. Run by Rory McCormack and Cathal O'Connor, this runner up burger place was started from a market stall and is now located in Caribou craft beer bar in the city.

Other awards were given out, for example the best burger at a fast food chain was won by Eddie Rockets. Thunder Road Café in Dublin won best burger at a restaurant, and The Cross in Drogheda won best burger at a pub.

With over 17,000 votes cast in this competition we can trust that the majority were right and these burgers won't be a let down. But, I won't believe it until I taste it!

What with tomorrow being National Burger day, hundreds of burger places will be celebrating by putting on a two for one burger deal, so you might get your chance to sample some of these bad boys sooner than you thought. You can see the full list of restaurants taking part here.

H/T: The Irish Times

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