13 Things No One Tells You About Looking For Your First Job

All this time in college you assumed that you would just walk into a job right. It is time to wake up and smell the roses, well the ones which haven't been watered and are slowly wasting away like your career. Here are things that you need to know when finding your first job.
13) In everyone's mind you're officially an adult
In college you were only a student, in purgatory between a teenager and adult. No one could complain "Sure, he's going to university isn't he"? This quickly changes when you leave college to "Ah, he is a talking a year out", even though that usually involves some sort of travelling.
12) Interviews can sometimes feel like an interrogation
It is bad enough when there is one interviewer, but if there are two or three you feel like it's an interrogation. As they slowly eye you up and crush your will.
11) Working for free is the most likely option
"Well, do you have any experience? No ....... well, you can always work for free", Yes it has come to this you never thought it would happen but you're thinking of working for free. You think "Sure, I already did work experience in Transition Year what's the point".
10) Oh, so that's why you get a summer job
"Sure who needs a summer job, it's only for money I don't need money", When your young, money is just a thing you use to buy sweets your not even sure if it's used for anything else. Summer job's are all about experience and you ponder this while looking at a blank CV.
9) Your CV is actually important
"CV sure I'll just put my leaving cert results on it and it will be grand". Hmm, let me see you think that your employers are going to be impressed by your leaving cert results. Do you want a medal with your fries.
8) You're not the only one
"I'm a shoe in, the interviewer really seems to like me", Little do you realize that there are actually other people who went for the interview as well. They have more experience than you, better people skills, and have worked in a job like this before. But sure you will get it because you dressed really well.
7) Socializing is a thing of the past
At this stage your friends are either working or still in college, so do they have no spare time. You will also quickly find out that when you're not working you don't have money. Unless of course your pockets are being lined by Daddy's accounting firm. For the rest of us, the closest thing you get is Skyping your friends on the weekend.
6) Signing on
If you didn't know, the government actually you pay you to do nothing yes i know hard to believe. Well, you have to be actually looking for a job but that isn't that hard to fake.
5) Degree.......What Degree?
You spend 3 0r 4 years doing a degree only to find out that the piece of paper is worthless and it's in Latin so no one can read it. It is basically just used as an indication of what your interests are.
4) Mr. Brightside
It is not all that bad being out of college gives you a chance to reinvent yourself. You're no longer who you were in college and all the embarrassing stories that come with it. You have another chance to make a good impression on the working world. It's a chance to start fresh and create even more embarrassing memories
3) Chance to learn something new
Instead of staying at home watching daytime TV you could actually make the most of your time and learn something new. You could finally learn to drive, learn a new language, go skydiving, go to the gym. That's great except all of it requires money, so for now it's back to daytime TV.
2) Free from the education system
On average, around 20% of your life is spent in the education system and that isn't including you doing a masters. Now is a chance to gain some valuable life experience. Unless you want to be a teacher and which case you're going straight back into the fire.
1) Do they have a course for that?
More than likely they do, there are plenty that would spark your interest. Some are more valuable than others of course, but knitting seriously? Sure, that's what grandmother's are for.