Things Students Should Never Stress About

First world problems can cause us untold stress and not just be a turn of phrase every now and again. No running water for people in some parts of the world is one thing but just wait until water charges arrive and we start moaning left right and centre over something we take for granted. There are however some things in life that are just not worth it....Here are some things students should never stress about.
1. Not going to the gym
So what if you don't match up to the rugger bugger physique there are ample opportunities for you to excel in other areas kite flying, rocket science and the likes.
2. Not going out to the club
Look you don't have to do it every single night and every once in a while is nice but just because everyone else is going out doesnt mean they're going to have the best night ever in the history of the club.
3. Not being happy
What have you not to be happy about...there are starving children in Africa...
4. Not being sad
So what if you have full control of your emotions and you miss the opportunity for a good old cry. Not everyone has to be wired like a soap opera.
5. Not giving up smoking, drinking and other vices...etc.
Everybody has a vice...everybody. It's almost impossible not too. If you know someone who doesn't or claims to not have a vice then be careful, theirs something weird about them....they're probably a chronic masturbation artist.
6. Not being able to fight
In the words of Tyler Durden, "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?". A lot Tyler, a lot. I know that I don't have to resort to violence in order to solve my problems, I know that I can use the form of debate to argue my point and I know that I won't be provoked by oversize oafs who are just looking for a reason to batter me because I won't pay attention to them. So yeah, don't worry if you're not able to fight. Just become rich enough and buy some bodyguards, sorted!
7. Not holding views similar to your friends
Just because you have views that don't align with friends doesn't mean you should keep your mouth shut, over the course of history former friends have made the best enemies like Cain and Able or Spiderman and The Green Goblin. SO yeah, if you believe in your views...stand up for them.
8. Not accomplishing anything for a while
You don't have to go go go 100% of the time. You will burn out. If you're a driven person it's always good to take some time to step back and see what you've done. Or if you're between jobs after college don't stress. As long as you use the time productively something good is just around the corner.
9. Your taste in music
Subjective as taste in music may be you can be safe in the knowledge that there's no need in being ashamed if you are a closet 1D fan. There are plenty of little girls and boys in their early teens that you can hang around with.
10. Not recognising someone
I constantly confuse people, like all the time. My facial recognition software is active maybe 50% of the time. I don't feel sorry about it, I definitely don't stress about it.
11. Not being rich
99% of us on the planet are not meant to be wealthy so just treat it as a bonus if you fall into some money. Just like I do. Until then it's corn flakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
12. Not being famous
Look at the quality of celebrities these days and tell me you really want that? Not all of us can be The Beatles or Stones, Marlon Brando or James Dean, Audrey or Katherine Hepburn, as what they did involved being in possession of huge talent. People these days think its their god given right to be famous, any mug with a phone can have the Andy Warhol coined "15 minutes of fame". However if that involves saturating the market with talentless reality show nothingness then I want nothing to do with it or you. Make sure the door hits you on the arse on the way out!
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