Too Happy & A Little Bit Horny: Reasons To Do An Irish Exit

Sometimes the party is a drag and you just want to slide out without saying anything or being noticed and an Irish exit is perfect for that. Saying goodbye can be an ordeal and honestly, no one could be arsed with that. In case you're worried, here are 11 reasons to justify doing an Irish exit.
1) You're bored.
If you tell the host you're leaving and they ask why and you say, "Oh, I'm bored," I think they may be slightly insulted. So this is perfect way to slip away unnoticed.
2) You're just too drunk.
You're so drunk that you realise you're too drunk and you end up just leaving rather than making an absolute tit out of yourself.
3) You hate the people you're with.
Not to be rude but I hate you all. Bye.
4) The party is a bit shit.
Just put your drink down and slide away.
5) You don't want to interrupt the party.
You don't want to ruin the mood by leaving too early so silently excuse yourself.
6) You don't feel like wrangling ten of your drunk friends into a taxi.
You don't want to try to leave, say goodbye and then have twenty people want to go with you. You're more of a lone ranger.
7) You're just too awkward when saying goodbye.
Sometimes you just don't want all the attention and you never know how to thank people for the great night. Sending them a text in the morning is a lot easier.
8) And sometimes saying goodbye can take too long.
"NOOOOO! Don't be a whore! Stay! Don't go! Whyyyyy?!" Eh, cause I don't want to.
9) You want to try and make it to McDonalds before it closes.
Just think of all the burgers you can have by yourself.
10) You just want to go to bed.
Lame but some people just love their bed.
11) You don't want to make up an excuse.
You're a lazy bastard and couldn't be arsed making up some excuse.