Top 10 Fitness Foods

Whatever your fitness goal is, it is absolutely vital to ensure that you eat the right food so that you see the results you are looking for. In order to maximise your results and make sure you get the most out of exercise, you need to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. Today I’m going to outline 10 foods that will send you on your way to success.
A great source of protein, the body’s building blocks. As well as helping build muscle, chicken is also a lean source of protein and so is low in fat. To keep it healthy, avoid frying the chicken but instead grill it.
Another lean source of protein, low in fat and also high in fibre. Half a can of beans can get you as much as 9 grammes of protein. Couple with two slices of brown bread and you have a healthy, nutritious, snack that’s cheap and easy to prepare.
Like the previous two foods, turkey is an excellent lean source of protein. Again like chicken, don’t fry the turkey as fried foods are high in bad, saturated fat. Instead, grill it for a low fat, high protein meal.
A very nutritious vegetable, broccoli is a great source of iron, calcium, fibre and vitamin C. It’s important to try to get at least five pieces of fruit and veg into your daily diet and broccoli would be a great addition to your meals.
Whole wheat (brown) bread
Whole wheat or whole grain bread provides complex carbohydrates which deliver a steadier, longer lasting supply of energy. By eating it dry you are getting a low fat source of energy. If you need something on your bread, just remember butter and mayonnaise are high in fat and should be used sparingly. White bread on the other hand results in a fast release of energy and a sharp rise (and fall) in blood glucose. This will result in the production of fat in the body so it is advisable to pick whole wheat (brown) bread instead.
O.K., so it’s not strictly a food but water is still considered an important part of good nutrition. By not drinking enough water you run the risk of becoming dehydrated and dehydration will have a negative effect on your muscles’ ability to function which will obviously impair your training. For sedentary people it is recommended they drink 2 litres a day but active people should be aiming to drink at least 2 litres. You also need to spread your intake out throughout the day, so no downing a 2 litre bottle in one go!
Bananas are a great source of energy and Potassium and have a medium glycemic index rating, meaning they cause a quicker and bigger elevation in your blood glucose level than low glycemic index foods but a smaller and slower rise than foods with a high glycemic index rating. In other words, if you’re looking for a reasonably quick release of energy (either pre or post training) that won’t result in a big spike (and inevitably a big fall) in your blood glucose level than a fresh banana would be a great choice.
Almond Nuts
Almond nuts provide a lot of protein and are also a good source of the necessary unsaturated fat. While they are necessary for the body to function optimally and to promote muscle building, unsaturated fat should still be limited so it is advisable to only eat a handful of nuts at a time. Also, make sure they are almond nuts (or Brazil nuts) and avoid salted nuts like the plague. Buy from recognised health stores as opposed to pubs and shops.
As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is crying out for the nutrients it hasn’t been getting while you have been sleeping and a good, nutritious breakfast will set you up nicely for the day ahead. Porridge will give you a slow, long lasting release of energy which will fuel you and keep you feeling full for longer meaning you’ll be less likely to crave unhealthy snacks.
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and are a good option for anyone looking to build muscle. They are also high in fat though so, especially if you are keeping an eye on your body composition, they should be limited. If you are trying to lose weight or reduce your body fat than you may want to focus your protein intake on the lean sources mentioned above and use eggs sparingly or not at all. If on the other hand you are happy with your body fat and are just looking to build muscle than eggs would be a good addition to your diet.
By no means an exhaustive list, but a list of 10 nutritious foods that will help you on your way to health and fitness. One final piece of advice before I sign off, try to eat as wide and varied a diet as possible. No one food contains all the nutrients you need so in order to get enough of everything you do need you should eat as many different types of food as possible.