
New Mobile App Properly Rewards You For Not Using Your Phone When Driving

We all know the dangers of driving whilst on the phone and this new app could be a real game changer. Toyota Ireland have launched a new free app called "Face It Down" and if you use it you could save some cash.

The app is launched in partnership with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and service station chain Topaz and will reward drivers for putting their phone down when driving at Topaz stations nationwide.

Ireland Brand Ambassador and The Blizzards frontman Niall Breslin said:

We all know the dangers of using a mobile phone while driving so it’s great that drivers will now get rewarded for not using their phone. This simple act can make such a difference to road safety in Ireland that’s why I would encourage all drivers to use Toyota’s Face It Down App.

International research has shown that making a call while driving increases your risk of crashing twenty-three times more likely.Toyota Ireland promised in a new campaign to be ‘Built for a Better World’ and developed the app with the aim of changing driver behaviour and improving road safety for everyone. Here are some questions you might have had about the app answered:

Here are some questions you might have had about the app answered:

How Does The  Face It Dow App work?

The user launches the app before setting off on a journey and simply puts the phone face down. Points will be earned for every kilometre driven without picking up the phone. If the user turns over the phone while driving, all the points accumulated will be lost.

How can I redeem my points?

Points accrued can be redeemed against a complimentary hot drink for every 350kms travelled at 159 participating Topaz Re Store sites across Ireland. 250 bonus points will be awarded for a user’s first successful journey, bonus points will also be given at interim periods.

Will the app make a difference?

Members of the Irish Road Victims Association are backing the use of the Face It Down app. Chief Executive, Moyagh Murdock, of the Road Safety Authority supports the use of the app and has highlighted the danger of using a mobile phone while driving.

Distracted driving could be a factor in as many 20-30% of all collisions in this country. However, the biggest distraction for drivers is the mobile. Despite the fact that using them when driving is killing people on Irish roads, rational, intelligent people continue to text, make phone calls, take selfies or update their social pages while driving. When you use your mobile behind the wheel, taking your mind and eyes off the road for just a split second can destroy everything forever.

You can download the Face It Down app from the Google Play Store or Apple Store for free.

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