9 Tweets That Define Every Student's Freshers' Week Experience

It's freshers week for many colleges around the country which means a number of students will be facing an existential crisis in the coming days after signing up for seventeen societies, which they will no intention of ever dealing with again and trying to figure out what on earth to do with dozens of goodie bags and miscellaneous items that have been foisted upon them throughout the week.
After you're done going to your seventh 'Ball' and have screamed each and every lyric back to the three members of S Club 7 who are amazingly still touring, it might be time to take stock of the moments that define each and every freshers' week:
1) Graduates Who Won't Let Go:
It's not easy to watch so just look away.
Watching all these freshers week snaps as a graduate.. pic.twitter.com/TxdIj6lGtT
— Wrey (@_Darnss) September 17, 2018
2) The Ones Who Immediately Try To Be Experimental:
We see you.
3) The College Administration Promising You A 'Good Time':
If anyone with a clipboard and a giant sign is promising you a good time.
the idea that freshers week will be the "best week of your life" is absolute bullshit & i wish unis would stop saying that to new students
— katie (@katfnan) September 8, 2018
4) There's Always One Student Whose Time In College Means Multiple Personal Epiphanies:
And you'll hear all about these epiphanies on public transport all the bloody time.
I got on the train today and noticed every single person I passed had their head down in their phone. This is terrifying to me. Have we lost all ability to be present in the moment, or have conversations?
— Emma Wedekind (@EmmaWedekind) September 17, 2018
5) The New And Exciting Destinations That Not Even Your Friends At Home Will Understand:
While it might have been sad moving away from your home friends, your new friends understand the concept of a mystery bus tour which is a blessing in disguise.
Was telling one of the girls I’m going on the mystery bus for freshers week and it drops you at a secret location and she goes ‘what like outside of Ireland??’ Hahahahah praying for her LC results
— Lauren-May (@Laurxnmay) September 14, 2018
6) A Fresher Deciding Traditional Things Are No Longer Cool:
Oh, like say, a bathroom.
On the Thursday of freshers week last year someone took a shit on the floor in my house so just be careful out there guys, you really never know who will shit on your floor
— relateable tweets (@TheRoyay) September 13, 2018
7) The One Person Who Tries To Convince Themselves Being Sociable Is Boring:
"I like being alone" - stop lying to yourself.
it's ok to hate freshers week. it's ok not to socialise. it's ok to become a hermit and live in a demon-infested barrow in the fenland. you are valid
— rose ? (@lleuadau) September 17, 2018
8) The Society You'll Inevitably Join To Get A Discount On Burritos:
Is it worth spending twenty euro to sign up for societies that you may or may not ever see again?
If you are just starting uni make sure you don't get peer pressured into anything you don't want to do during freshers week. Joining the ultimate frisbee team is a label that sticks with you no matter how few championships you absolutely merk.
— Rhys James (@rhysjamesy) September 17, 2018
9) The Noise:
'Cause 18-year-olds don't know when it's time to go home, roll down the blackout blinds and shove in the noise canceling earplugs.
It's Freshers' Week, I think, or thereabouts. I hope all you new students have the time of your life. I certainly did.
For everybody else, if the noise gets too much, phone the non emergency police number 101. I used to get student parties shut down all the time.
— Limmy (@DaftLimmy) September 15, 2018