
UCD Students Successfully Impeach Lecturer Over Pro-Thesis Views

A group of UCD students studying Classics, Art History and Archaeology have banded together in order to impeach their main lecturer due to her staunch pro-thesis views.

Leader of the movement Killian Greene spoke to College Times about the impeachment referendum and how it came about:

This whole thesis thing really snuck up on us, I was under the impression that this college was a pro-dossing. To think a lecturer was hired who openly advocates for final year dissertations? It made me sick to my stomach. So I got the word out on social media and the response has been crazy. I'm glad I go to a college where the students are able to come together and really affect change against the evils of society.

Paula Hayes, the lecturer in question was taken aback by the student's reaction to the news that they would have to write a 10,000 word essay on an original subject of their choice:

I can't believe it's gone this far. I've always been upfront about my pro-thesis views. Every year the final year thesis has been a staple of this course and I don't understand why this year should be any different. I'm only giving them the best possible chance at a prosperous life by trying to get them to learn as much about Classics, Art History and Archaeology before they have to stand on their own two legs in the real world.

The requisite 2,000 signatures needed to bring about a referendum against Hayes was gathered last week although the petition was deemed invalid due to the fact that the signatures were written on the back of 2,000 Domino's menus.

Then late on Monday a valid petition was filed and after the vote was carried out across Tuesday and Wednesday it became clear that Ms. Hayes would be getting her P45.

The referendum passed with a landslide vote to oust Hayes, who had been teaching in the university for the past ten years. She is expected to use the platform gained from all of the publicity surrounding the referendum to campaign for the reintroduction of the thesis to the course.

See Also: UCC Student House Officially Colder Inside Than It Is Outside

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