
The Ultimate Christmas Wish List For Girly Girls

There are hundreds and thousands and millions and probably billions of variations of girls out there, so the term 'Girly Girls' is very loose. In this case, it describes ladies who like to treat themselves, be it by getting their hair tended to, their nails done, and basically all things that can improve your appearance for a small price (or a very big one).

So, here's the list that we really, really wish we could ask Santa for this Christmas... If you're reading this St. Nick, I've been EXTRA good this year... Monday to Friday... Okay fine, Thursday.

Gold Fever Hair Extensions

Anyone who gets hair extensions has probably heard of Gold Fever by now. These are the creme de la creme in the extension world. Not only is the hair the best quality you can find, it is sourced ethically which is so important.

"All sorts of stories circulate regarding the sourcing, ethicality and traceability of hair and many misleading statements are made to that effect. The only truly ethical and traceable hair is Indian Ritual Hair which is tonsured at Indian Temples as part of a religious ceremony and which is donated at no cost by willing and happy worshippers to their Gods as a gesture of gratitude for prayers answered. The funds generated by the Temple’s subsequent sales of this hair are utilised for the building of schools, hospitals and other charitable causes and this has been thoroughly investigated and verified in numerous journalistic and television documentaries."

The application itself is easy and pain free, leaving your hair with the most subtle bonds that even the most trained eye will strain to see. Extensions don't have to be thick, waist length layers of hair; a lot of people use them as a way of adding more volume but keeping their own natural length. We cannot recommend these extensions enough. If you're going to treat yourself, this should be number 1 on your list.

More info here.

HD Brows

If the 2015 beauty world could be summed up in one word, it would be 'Brows'. Brows are BIG. They're bold, they're bushy, they're dark, they're thick... Who knew they were so important to your face! HD Brows are a seven-step eyebrow shaping treatment that focuses on design. It involves a combination of techniques, including tinting, waxing and threading, using specialist HD Brows products. As fantastic as these can look, you have to be careful about who you entrust with your brows. Make sure to go to a well-established brow bar or salon that you're confident they know what they're doing and enjoy being ON FLEEK GIRL.


Yep, you can now get extensions FOR YOUR EYELASHES. I know, it's crazy, but by God do they make a huge difference. Like the brows, you have to ensure you're with someone who is tried and tested; this technique requires a very steady hand and some glue... You do not want to compromise your sight for a few lashes so please take care when booking these appointments. Santa, this one is very important, how do you expect me to flirt with boys if I can't bat my lashes?

Contour Kit

Yep, unless you've been living under a rock for the whole of 2015, you'll have heard the term 'contouring.' This term is used to describe giving shape to an area of the face and enhancing the facial structure through makeup. It's not supposed to be noticeable, just a subtle definition. Brown stripes down the sides of your face are not attractive, so a good contouring kit is essential for giving you those chiseled cheek bones.

I recommend: Anastasia Beverly Hills

Fake Tan

Unfortunately, for us Irish girls who look translucent during these harsh winter months, there is really only one cure for the milk bottle look, and that is Fake Tan. I've tried and tested more Fake Tan in this world than I'd like to admit, and Coco Brown is definitely the best by FAR. It goes on smoothly, it has a lovely non-orange colour, and it even smells nice. Santa, this would be a perfect stocking filler - kay, thanks!

The Raven App

Gals, take it from us, you need this app. Raven is the new beauty essential aimed at girls who need a beauty appointment NOW. Never again will you have to ring around every salon in Ireland to see if ANYONE can blow dry your hair for the Trinity Ball. It is a premium service that accepts only the best registrants in beauty and hair, making sure you get a five-star treatment no matter where you are. Whenever you need something done, pop on the app and you'll get a hairdresser to come to your house, dorm, or halls quicker than you can down that naggin. The pre-book feature gives clients the option to confirm with their favourite professionals in advance for all sorts of occasions. Thank you Lord, for understanding our needs.

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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.