What's New In The World Of Fitness?

Exercise Helps Beat Stress
A research team in America have conducted a study that demonstrates how exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety. In the study they divided a selection of mice into two groups. An active group (who got unlimited access to a running wheel) and a sedentary group (who did not get access to the running wheel). After six weeks the researchers then provided a stressor to the mice in the shape of exposing them to cold water. They then observed the response. The active mice were able to control their response to the stressor better than their sedentary counterparts. Here is the link to an article on the study if you want to read more about it.
Proposal to Cut School PE Hours
This one is closer to home. There are fears that schools will be allowed to cut the amount of time they dedicate to physical activity on a weekly basis. The National Activity Planning Group has been working towards getting P.E. made into a compulsory subject in secondary schools thus ensuring students must get 2 hours a week of activity. However, there are now proposals to reduce the hours already being given to exercise which has led to fears schools may eliminate P.E. altogether. Below is the link to an article which discusses this topic further.
Self Powered Treadmills Coming to New Tribeca Gym
Self powered treadmills have been introduced into Tribeca gym. The treadmills require no electricity and are powered by the user’s own movement. The Fitwalker, as the treadmill is known, originated in Italy and can be used in a group setting through classes across Europe and now, of course, New York. The classes involve walking, skipping, jumping and kicking at various paces and resistances on an incline. Here is a link to an article where you can read more about The Fitwalker and the New York gym that houses it.