16 Life Hacks All Students Need To Know To Get Through Exams

College is hard. It's just a fact. But what if there were some brilliant ways to save time and money... would you try them? We have found 18 of the best life hacks to make your exams a breeze, and maybe even improve your productivity. Score!
1. Save time studying by listening to recorded lectures at twice the speed
You can do this in VLC Media Player. If you have videos on YouTube as well you can do this too! Knowledge is power, but even better when you can do it faster.
2. Make a poached egg in the microwave
All you need is paper towel, a mug, an egg, a lil water and a microwave. Simply put a little bit of water in your mug, say a dribble, and then dampen a paper towel. Break the egg into the mug, being careful not to break the yolk, then place the paper towel over it. Put on high for 1.5 minutes and keep checking progress.
3. Save space in your tiny closet by hanging multiple garments with soft drink tabs
You know those little tabs on your soft drink cans? Those are actually good to use as space savers in your wardrobe. Simply hook one over the hanger and slip another hanger in the hole. Bob is your uncle.
4. Heat two bowls at once in the microwave
Heating a bowl at a time in for chumps. Grab a mug, flip it upside down, then whack the bowl on top, with another on the plate. So easy.
6. Buy yourself a laptop lock
There are thieves on the loose so make sure you protect yourself with a lock that lets thieves knows you don't mess around.
7. When giving a class presentation, tell a friend to ask a particular question before you head to class
That way, you'll know the answer, and get points for responding on your feet.
8. Only have what's in your fridge and no idea what to eat?
myfridgefood.com can help you make a meal out of those ingredients. So smart.
9. Google Scholar
Don't use regular Google for your college research, use Google Scholar. It'll find better sources instantly.
10. Get a replacement college ID just before you graduate
This one's a bit cheeky but some people swear it works. The expiry date on some IDs is automatically a few years in advance.
11. Google Translate your assignments
If you don't have a study buddy, Google Translate can help. Once you've finished your essay, simply paste into Google Translate and then listen to it back to see if there are any mistakes.
12. Always remember your schedule
Set the home screen on your phone as a picture of your college timetable.
14. Distractions no more
Download an app like the SelfControl app which allows you to block any distracting websites you choose for a certain amount of time. Until the time expires, you cannot access those sites. So good but so bad.
15. Use Google Docs when writing an assignment
It'll eliminate the risk of losing your work as it saves automatically and you can access it anywhere.
16. Drop the mic
If you can't imagine yourself dropping the mic after your last line of an essay or oral presentation, it's not strong enough!
Do you have any other tips to add?