Life 101

11 Of The Most Useful Apps For Students

We know you're obsessed with your phone but you really should be putting it to good use while you're at college. We've found some of the best apps for students so you'll have no excuse about forgetting important info, not taking notes or waking up for that Monday lecture.

Get downloading these super handy apps:

1. iStudiez Lite

Source: iTunes

Now that college is back, it's time to map out your semester. iStudiez lets you manage one semester of up to five courses, 15 classes/exams per course, 15 assignments, five instructors and two holiday periods, and you can set alarms.

Apple iOS

Android (Pro version, $2.99USD)

2. Brainscape – Smart Flashcards

Source: iTunes

It's a fact: flashcards are one of the best ways to learn and the most fun. Brainscape - Smart Flashcards allows you to create your own flashcard sets so you can nail that assignment.

Apple iOS


3. Evernote

Source: Google Play

Evernote is basically the king when it comes to notetaking and it's pretty easy to see why: you can bookmark, write stuff, make to-do lists, doodle, mindmap... you name it.

Apple iOS


4. Scribd

Source: iTunes

The world’s biggest library online, Scribd, helps students find millions of different documents and books that are relevant to your studies. You can create your own library with different notes, texts, and books that you need, as well as share them with your friends and study buddies.

Apple iOS


5. Studious

Source: iTunes

How often do you forget about the date and time of your exams? Do you always know the due date of your assignment, the time of your next lecture, and the subject of your next class? With Studious you just need to enter the information about your class, time, professor, location, etc., and you'll get a reminder.

Apple iOS


6. Copied

Source: iTunes

Copied is a saviour when it comes to copying and pasting. It not only saves you a lot of time, it gives you access to everything you've copied and pasted before.

Apple iOS

7. Documents 5

Source: iTunes

It can be confusing to keep track of files across Dropbox and Google Drive, so Documents 5 is super handy. It also works with iCloud, OneDrive and Box and shows you everything in one place. It also has a cool PDF annotation feature which makes taking notes so much easier.

Apple iOS

8. Scanner Pro

Source: iTunes

Everyone, not just students, needs this. Scanner Pro makes your camera photos of receipts and documents into legit-looking PDF files. It looks much cleaner than taking a photo, though it does cost $3.99USD

Apple iOS


9. RefMe

Source: iTunes

This app uses your phone's camera to scan a textbook's barcode and create a citation formatted in MLA, Harvard, or whatever format your school uses. So good.



10. SelfControl

SelfControl allows you to block certain websites for a set amount of time making it easier to concentrate on studying and not social media.



11. Sleep If U Can

Source: iTunes

Sleep If U Can makes you literally get out of bed and take a picture of something to turn off the alarm. Great for Monday morning lectures!

Here's Sleep If U Can in action:

Apple iOS


Also read: The Hidden Fees Your Irish Bank Doesn't Want You To Know About

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.