Life 101

So Apparently We've Been Eating Chocolate Digestives And Jaffa Cakes Incorrectly

They're the biscuits your mammy has in her tin every day of the year but there's something she never told you about McVitie's chocolate digestives: how the feck you're supposed to eat them!

We've been putting them in our gob with the chocolate side up but that's apparently wrong, wrong, wrong. According to the company, the chocolate side is the bottom thus should be put in your mouth bottom down. Mind = blown.

This farce started about a week ago when someone dared challenge how we live by asking which side is the top:

McVitie's responded swiftly by confirming our worst fears:

"Our Hobnobs goes through a reservoir of chocolate, so it's on the bottom! Thanks, McVitie's"

This was confirmed by Kerry Owens, McVitie’s Marketing Director, who told ‘When we make our McVitie’s chocolate biscuits – whether that be Chocolate Hobnobs, Chocolate Digestives, or even Jaffa Cakes – they go through a reservoir of chocolate on the production line.

‘This essentially “enrobes” the bottom in chocolate – so we can confirm that the chocolate is officially on the bottom of the biscuits.’

I am shook.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.