16 Despicable Things Everyone In A Long-Term Relationship Has Done
Being in a long-term relationship is a beautiful thing. You get to know one another, you become the best of friends, and you let down your guard. In the beginning you're all like 'OMG girls don't fart' but two years in you let it rip any time of day or night. Here's 16 things everyone in a long-term relationship has done at one time or another!
1. Farted in front of each other and not even been sorry
2. Popped pimples on each other's backs
3. Picked your noses and inspected them
4. Cleaned your partner's bizness off the toilet and not been repulsed
5. Checked their ears for wax
6. Breathed all over your BF or GF with your morning breath
5. Texted about your bowel movements
6. Talked about your bowel movements
7. Pooing with the door open
8. Sniff testing each other's clothes
9. Seen a blackhead on their nose and popped it
10. Two words: dutch oven
11. Picked up their snotty tissues without vomming
12. Let them look at your privates in the harsh light of day to inspect a suspicious growth or itch
13. They've seen you with full-blown food poisoning
14. Cut each other's toenails
15. Cleaned the other one's bellybutton out
16. Been there after a big drunken night out and it involved urine and blood