So Apparently Thousands Of Irish Students Have Sugar Daddies???

The concept of sugar daddies seems like a joke straight from a teen movie but it seems like college students in Ireland are lining up at the chance to be with an old dude who supports them in return for well, whatever he wants.
According to, there's going to be a surge in young Irish women seeking rich 'sugar daddies' in the new year.
The catch? You have to be very attractive and willing to drop your standards of men in order to get $$$.
Students apparently flock to the site to get money to cover college fees as well as travel and gifts.
Spokesperson Brook Urich told the Irish Daily Star 25,000 Irish women, including almost 9,500 students, are registered on the site.
"The time we see the most increases among sugar babies is right before when school or university would start.
"January is usually a very busy month for our site and for online dating in general. People are feeling more lonely and wanting to fill that need with a convenient relationship.
"When people are thinking about the new year and how they want to change their life, they often think of online dating sites."
Interested? You can get more than €2,000 per month from the sugar daddies and the average sugar daddy in Ireland is likely to be based in Dublin, 41 and will earn around €250,000.