There's A Crow Attacking Students And Employees On CIT Campus

The end is nigh! Yesterday we reported on a CIT house party with a dead dolphin and today animals on the CIT campus are striking back! According to the Irish Examiner, a lone crow has attacked up to 20 students at the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) campus in what looks like Irelands version Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
Two people have been attacked by the lone assailant with the victims requiring medical treatment from CIT’s on-campus medical centre. The nurses provided tetanus jabs and prescribed antibiotics. Campus staff were alerted to the attacks by a staff member who came across the crow in a campus car park - to the rear of CIT's main entrance. It is believed that the man received claw and scratch marks to his head from the unassisted crow.
The attack triggered others to come forward with their own story and apparently more than 15 others have fallen victim to the crows unexplained behaviour. Cork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have been contacted in order to deal with the difficult situation. Experts are visiting the campus today and will be advising the CIT safety and security team. It not known if the incident has been recorded by the Gardai.
Speaking to the Irish Examiner, a spokesperson advised any students visiting the campus during the summer to avoid walking near chicks or fledging birds. Birds are continuing to cause the Irish governing bodies massive concern. The Seanad discussed seagulls as a "public health risk", in north Dublin areas, in March.