
A Cat Fair Is Coming To Ireland This November

If you love cats then you'll love this...

Celebrating our feline friends is becoming a popular trend. Don't believe us? Well, a new cat café has opened in Dublin that allows you to sit and chill with kittens for an hour at a time.

Now, the Cat Fair is coming to Ireland and it's set to make your cat obsessed friends even more excited. The Cat Fair will take place at the Wynn's Hotel, Dublin on November 19th. The fair will host a number of guest speakers who will be chatting all things neutering, catnip and cat happiness.

Experts that will be speaking at the event include cat behavioural therapist Alice Chau-Ginguene, vet Aoife Caulfield and owner of an Irish catnip farm Aideen Day.

Sadly, if you're expecting to be surrounded by millions of cats, they are not allowed at the event for health and safety reasons.

To book tickets and get a full breakdown of what's happening at the cat fair click here.

Also Read: It's Official: Humans Like Dogs More Than People

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